Mystery Part Two📸💬

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We got to the hero's headquarters. 

Well, we were in Hawks headquarters because apparently something big is happening in the city and required a lot of heroes. 

"You think it's LOV?" I looked at Kousetsu as his hands were in his pocket while drinking a juice box. "Yeah, most likely." 

Haruka said, "They've been pretty active these days." 

Asahi waved at the bus driver, he's so sweet. 

He turned back around and said, "It would be so cool if us kids could beat them up!" I laughed, "With that Dabi character going around, I think we'd get fucked up." 

Kousetsu said, "I think what we really should be worried about is that Shigiraki character, he seems to be the brain behind it." 

We all nodded, and I heard a voice behind me, "OU! Super villain talk!? You kids seem awesome." I turned around to see Hawks. 

Woah, he has the same eyes and feathers as Tenshi. 

I didn't say anything. 

Asahi said, "I prefer the word super, but I can make an exception for 'awesome' I think." Hawks said, "I like you kid, hope to see you join the agency." 

Asahi blushed in excitement. He looked around, "I'm going to take you guys on a secret tour." My mouth widened, "WHAAAAAAT?" 

Rana smacked me, "Yo, shut up." 

I closed my mouth and Haruka smiled at me sweetly, then Kousetsu looked a little upset. 

Hawks said, "Follow me." I lead the pack and walk with Hawks. 

He opened his office, "This is where all the magic happens, and also where we keep identifications out on people." I looked at the board in awe.

so many super villains! 

I looked on his desk and saw a document that said my dad's first and last name on it. 

Hawks walked to his seat and casually picked it up and put it in his file. I looked at him confused. 

Why would he have that? Does he know something I don't? 

I looked at Hawks and he spoke, "Kids, people tell you a lot about being a hero but what they don't tell you is, the amount of boring paperwork you have to do." 

His wings drooped down. 

That's what Tenshi's wings do when she's sad.

"So do you just do work on criminals?" He nodded, "For the most part, but occasionally we have to fill things out for victims." He looked me in the eye. 

Is he trying to tell me something!? 

I looked at Kousetsu and he was inspecting the graphs. I looked at Hakura who was looking at the case files. 

I looked at Rana who was casually on her phone on the couch with her earbuds in. Then at Asahi who was looking at the villains' pictures. 

He's only talking to me. 

I said, "We should get going before the chaperones notice we're missing." He smiled, "Alright, catch you later kid." And as if he was moving in slow motion he saluted. 

Tenshi, why is Hawks copying you?! 

I walked out, I had a plan, it might be illegal and stupid and reckless, but I had a plan. 

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