Let's Talk

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He looked at me and said, "Nothing go back to sleep." He got up and walked out the dorm. 

I'm not going back to sleep.

I crossed my arms a little upset and waited for him to come back inside. It took him so long I started dosing off. He walked back in and when his eyes met mine, he sighed deeply.

"Why are you so stubborn!?"

"Why can't you tell me what's wrong?"

"You don't need to know."

"I'm your girlfriend! Uh, last time I fucking checked, I do."

"It doesn't matter, you know you haven't told me anything about what happened to you when you got fucking abducted."

"Them is fighting words Bakugo."

I squinted my eyes.

"Was this a nightmare situation and we missed out on our Wattpad moment because instead of communicating with each other we just argued?"

He looked at me like I was crazy and sighed in disappointment.

"Y/N, this isn't one of your delusions, I just don't want to talk about it."

I said, "come here."


"No, bring your ass over here right now."

He stomped over. I wrapped his waist in a hug. "I'll never force you to tell me anything, but I will always worry about you. So, the least you can do is just simply answer, are you okay?"

He hugged me back. "It's the nightmare again, but they take both of us and they torture you in front of my eyes and I can't help you because they tied me up."

I laughed, "We both know I would have frozen them and gotten us out of there."

"So, why didn't you escape sooner?"

"I wasn't in the right state of mind."

"I already know the ashy dude was fucking with your brain." I started to laugh.

"I don't know what happened."

"Let's go back to sleep."

He lied down and I cuddled into him. He fell sound asleep, and I did soon after him as well.

Dream World

I woke up in the room again, I looked around scared. August was nowhere to be found per usual. I lifted my head up, it was so sore. The sound of water dropping five seconds apart rang throughout the silent room. My eyes flashed green. 

Shit not again. 

Suddenly the room became silent. I walked up to bar and started shaking it rapidly. 


I could be like this for days. That's why Hawks took so long for him to come because I would freeze time and sometimes the villains would get unfrozen and come down just to torture me more. 

I didn't see August, that's their way of torturing me. I could hear August screaming from the room upstairs, it was the worst form of psychological torture I've ever endured. 

I couldn't do shit to help either. That flaky ass bitch came downstairs. 

He smiled, "You hear it?" 

I heard a blood curdling scream. I cried, "PLEASE STOP!" 

He smiled, "Tell me where your dad is." I fell to the ground in angst. "I already told I truly don't know. He's gone!" 

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