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All reached to the base as they got off and since they have called medic at the base.

You were no longer breathing.

They took your body as gaz wasn't letting your hand go, he kept a tight grip on your hands ghost was witnessing all this, he couldn't see your face if he sees your pale eyes he will completely break down "sargent let her go dammit" ghost spoke harshly as gaz let your hand loose and watched you getting taken away.

Nothing has been the same ever since gaz doesn't come out of his room nor does soap talk like he always does he doesn't even eats.

könig who just started warming up to someone has now been even more scared to talk with anyone

ghost became even more colder than before his sadness was replaced with anger that he even threw a rookie against the wall while they tried to talk to him.

He thought it was his fault. That he let you go.

captain price was sad too he wasn't happy to loose someone like you but he couldn't stand his team getting shattered so he decided to hire a medic for themselves who could also help his team with some therapy session.

The next day he hired a female medic and decided to introduce them to the boys, non of them wanted one but price told them to gather in living room, all of them sat with a disinterested face as price walked in with a girl behind him.

"team this is alice your medic and also a therapist" she smiled at the boys and waved "hey" none of them replied as price sighed, "have a talk with them, will you?" price asked as she sat down gaz stood up immediately to leave when a dog tag fell off from his hand.

"hey you dropped this" she went to grab it, "don't fucking touch it" gaz quickly picked it up "dammit why did you keep her dog tag gaz" soap started purely raged as gaz made soap remember y/n again.

"Shut the fuck up will ya?" ghost stood up looking angry at the two as he left gaz and soap left as well now there was only könig and Alice in the room, "who's y/n geez"? She asked as könig looked at her, "you don't have to know" he replied as he left.

Later alice decided to check on the boys as she roamed around she saw gaz as she sat near him "what's the distress hm?", She asked casually as she didn't earn a response in return he was glaring at the dog tag in his hands she read the name, "y/n - venom", she stood up and knocked on ghost door as he opened "what do you want", she looked back at ghost.

Alice was quite attracted to this man as she just gave him a smile "fucking hell speak and leave" he stated harshly, "um just curious about these y/n" she spoke pissing ghost even more he wanted to snap her neck right here how dare she say your name effortlessly he slammed the door in her face as alice was now getting annoyed of whoever this y/n was.

She saw soap as she approached him, immediately he spoke, "keep your distance" he looked tired.

"hey calm down I'm just trying to help you" alice stated "I don't need any help, leave" she pouted as she left

price was somewhere around his office smoking his ciggar as he kept remembering your jokes he couldn't distract himself as looked out at the training ground hoping to see you fighting with ghost or you running around with a k9 unit as he pressed his forehead, "things isn't going in track" he mumbled slowly he could remember gaz crying and speaking to him.

The dim light shined through the curtains as I flickerd my eyes slowly opening them, I scanned my surroundings and found out I was in a hospital bed my head hurted like anything.

I looked at my myself, i was bandaged up as my hand had a big scar, "dog shit I'm alive?" I spoke out to myself, soon a doctor came in as he was shocked to see me, he immediately called all the staff as he explained I was in a comma for entire 2 months and half week they had no hope for me to wake up.

"wtf almost three months?" I said looking back as they nodded, "ay when can I go back?", They informed I can go tomorrow as they haven't told my team that I was still alive.

oh yeah I was going to kick there ass if they forgot me.

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