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The sun was already up yet yesterday's confession from l.t was still fresh in my mind.

I don't believe this was happening there was a knock as I opened it and saw l.t standing there, I nodded at him as he led the way to the living room, we had mission today as we gathered.

But soap decided to finish the pizza and handed me one piece as I ate it, ghost brought up a tissue and wiped my mouth as I didn't knew I had littered them, "thanks si" I spoke while still finishing the pizza then there was a silence I could feel the air and suddenly all eyes where on me.

feeling the gaze I looked at them gaz and soap where in shock expression except for price and Keegan

"What?" I asked as soap grabbed gaz by his collar, "did ya see that ay" gaz nodded as I tilted my head "big ol scary l.t just whipped her mouth!", soap spoke as he finished his pizza ghost grunted as I laughed a little.

"he likes me" I said sarcastically as ghost actually spoke, "I like you alive" I looked at him as I patted my hand on his back ,"want you to do the same today ay" I told him as he stared, "alright let's go" price spoke as we left for the mission

When we landed off from the chopper gaz was following after me, "what?" I asked as he didn't say anything "this is capture or kill just be careful" he spoke and went his way while I had to join Keegan.

we took our position when suddenly our chopper got destroyed indicating the terrorist and the minions was here, between fights and gunshots I saw a shiny thing In one of the building as I looked carefully I quickly grabbed Keegan by his collar and yanked him down as the bullet went through the glass.

"snipers" I whispered and jumped at another building and set my sniper in hurry and shot it, I zoomed in again as the sniper in the enemy team fell dead, I smikred at myself and rushed down towards Keegan and the team "Damm kid who taught you that?" Keegan spoke between the gunshots as I laughed a little, "you sir".

most of the enemy where killed as only one was captured we gathered around but my eyes immediately looked for ghost who was missing

"Wheres l.t?" Soap noticed as we all looked around I could hear chopper from afar in distance as price cursed.

I waited for him to talk as my heart was pounding I didn't wanted price to tell me what I was fearing, "l.t has been captured" he spoke through the comm as I stopped there.

no. how??? How did they get l.t?? It was getting dark as we returned to base, I immediately brought the terrorist we captured in the cell a table between us as price asked him questions but the terrorist didn't reply.

I was loosing my patience as I went towards the terrorist and grabbed a fist full of his hair and banged it on the table harshly, "where is he?" I asked as the terrorist laughed "you won't find him" I clenched my teeth.

price handed me the details of the terrorist as I laughed loudly bending till his ear level, "this" I showed him his documents as he stared at me confused "your wife is beautiful" I spoke out.

"Don't you dare do anything to her" his tied fist was clenching as I smikred "a sharp metal when it goes down her and boom she will be gone" I spoke pulling out the knife where the name Simon riley was printed, the terrorist didn't speak as I sighed.

"I hate getting this knife dirty but if you insist" I jabbed the knife pinning his left hand completely to the chair as he was screaming in pain I looked at my team as gaz and soap where staring in horror, Keegan was in the corner looking at the scene against him as price coughed "y/n-"  price spoke when the terrorist quickly cut him off, "you will never get to leutinent simon ri-"

I pulled the knife out from his bloody hand as he screamed again this time I cut off his finger as gaz exited the room, "it's leutinent ghost for you" I spoke out as I was going crazy I needed to find him I needed ghost

"Your wife is pregnant isn't she" I spoke as the terrorist eyes widened this wasn't me this wasn't what a military should be doing but we deserved to save the one we loved I could burn down the world and still look for ghost.

as my head was pounding i was ready to become selfish, "you see the guy standing at the corner" I pointed at Keegan as the terrorist turned his head to him "his a sniper and that sniper rifle with a bullet can go right through your wife" I spoke and bend down to him as he was shaking "i- they took him to the terrorist base" he finally spoke as I slapped him hard.

"name" he was bleeding by now "south claw" I sighed again and showed him my scar along my jawline "you see this here? I'll get one on your eyes if his not there" I exited the custody room I needed to find him.

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