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Makarov and his army rushed off as I was locked inside.

"fuck open this fucking door" I shouted as all I heard was gunshot.

Why am I locked in the first place? I'm motherfucking capable.

I looked around and saw a tunnel through the kitchen.

Time to do some movie stunts.

Crawling through the tunnel I made it outside, there were serval tanks and I could see price in a distance.

I quickly sneaked towards price and approached him from behind and knocked down an enemy which was about to hurt him.

"Got your back captain John" I huffed as he frowned.

"You're not suppose to call me that
y/n" was all he said, no harms done.

"We lost him captain" ghost was audible from afar.

gaz quickly approched and hugged me tight, "we've no time for this sergeant" I mumbled as he pulled away and looked at me with a questioning look.

"Captain we should retreat, there are many rats then expected" soap looked around as we all looked at price.

He nodded.

We were about to retreat when  makarov chuckled through the mic, I didn't know where it was but sure thing it was loud.

"Y/n I know you're around here" I smirked at his guts as we remained still.

The cold expression was on ghosts face.

"who does he thinks he is" ghost growled, "and you're not going anywhere" I was silent, he can't get on me.

"not with a careless team who let scars on your body" makarov had a cold tone as cold as it could be.

"retreat" I shouted at the tanks when suddenly all our tanks were gathered by helicopters, the way out was blocked.

"Venom!" Soap shouted as I was the first to get out of the vehicle.

"Split!" I glanced behind, no way out.

I shot one on one when strong arms grabbed me and knocked me unconscious and pulled me on the helicopter.

I couldn't shout.

But my team should be safe enough.

Ghost noticed you were missing, "fuck this was a trap" he sounded through the comm.

"Ven!" gaz shouted as you were nowhere to be seen, a radio of one enemy was on the ground activated with makarov speaking through it, "next time captain John price"

price quickly grabbed the comm "next time will be out last meet makarov" he smashed the radio angrily.

He knew makarov wasn't a easy target so did the team, he was a dangerous terrorist.

He has been there target for years.

The team returned to there base tired as price immediately went to his office while gaz and soap sat on the sofa, ghost went directly to his room.

"just when I got my hands on her she's gone" gaz grabbed his head, "she hasn't called me by my name "he was venting to soap "she keeps calling me sergeant"

gaz was loosing it as soap sighed, "im pretty sure it's cause of the medic ay" soap padded gaz as he lifted his head in confusion, "I saw her last time watchin ya tease the medic" soap spoke and  left.

it hit gaz he has been close with the medic since they always had mission together and saving each other became a routine between him and the medic but she wasn't at your level did he hurt you?

Yes he did.

I winced as my eyes opened.

For how many times do I get blacked out.

I was pretty sure captain or either lieutenant would be mad about this, even though this wasn't a mission they couldn't get Makarov.

And according to the files lieutenant has never failed a mission.

No this wasn't a mission, nothing was prepared.

Looking around I was on a bed, no windows just a small bedroom with a bed and a small kitchen with a small toilet.

I wasn't surprised, I didn't had to remember how I got here either I laid there silently as someone was approaching the door.

Play asleep.

I quickly acted asleep as the footsteps came inside the room and sat on my bed, "drop the act" makarov sighed as I still acted asleep.

I could feel a shift on my bed as a cold hand touched my face and down to my scars again.

Does he have scar kink? Whatever it was, it was annoying enough for me.

"dammit do you like my scars that much I'll give you one"

I opened my eyes as he smiled, "I'll gladly accept it"  I groaned.

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