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price told one of us to go and retrieve a file from another millitary base as I decided to go because I had nothing better to do.

Price wanted to send the medic with me because in case if something happens.

I didn't wanted her to come with me ofcours.

I can't put up with Alice, thats the truth, our vibes just didn't match.

But, price that motherfucker grizzly bear wouldn't listen.

This was going to be a long day, did I like the medic? No not at all she definitely was going to get on my nerve today.

I pray she will survive my wrath.

"So? Do you like Kyle" I was driving while the medic gestured me for an answer.

"Yeah, Kylie Jenner has a nice ass" I replied firmly as she squinted her eyes at me.

I knew she was talking about Gaz, nothing my concern so I didn't dodged her question.

After retrieving the file we decided to go back even though she wanted to stay for tea.

Why is she so lame? What if they poisoned the tea?

Suddenly out of nowhere at the half way some young thugs came out of nowhere.

My pure bad luck.

They were team of five, it shouldn't be hard to take them down but one of them held gun.

Troublesome kids.

I'm between the fights I was shot.

On the leg, which made everything hard for me.

Why are kids even raised as such? They only looked around 17 or 16.

While I fought the four of the thugs  one of them got there hands on the medic and cut her hands slightly.

But it was enough to stream blood.

The last one snatched her bracelet and ran away.

I quickly went towards her to help her but there I was having too much blood loss.

The medic started crying.

At one point I thought she was scared of what just happened or either because I was hurt?

"Bloody hell why you cryin?" I hissed as she wiped away her tears that kept flowing.

"My bracelet, t-that was a-a gift from g-gaz" she sniffed stuttering her words.

So she wasn't crying because I was hurt or because of the situation.

She was crying cause she lost her beloved bracelet which was given by her sweet millitary boyfriend.

With the file we returned to our base where all of them where gathered in the living room.

Probably because I was taking more time than I should be taking to retrieve a file.

It was gaz  first, he quickly approached the medic and checked her hands almost as if she would break.

"what the hell happened to her hand y/n!" gaz shouted at me I stared blindly at him.

Am I the godamm medic here!

"i-" I was cut off by gaz again "how did she get hurt you idiot, why did you take her in the first place?!"

I didn't knew what to say.

I was....hurt? Betrayed?

Whatever I was feeling it was of to no good, I was trained to hide my emotion's.

No emotion's shown, no emotion's hurt.

Ghost quickly approached me and saw my bloody pants, he bend down and lifted them up "bloody hell, what is goin on?" ghost's voice was loud enough to sent shiver down anyone at the moment.

He glanced at the medic for an answer as I wobbled but price caught me.

I wasn't feeling well, it was like my head will fall anytime due to its heaviness.

"Ven!" I could hear soap as everything went silent.

Opening my eyes I was on the hospital bed.

Should have just died then and there all this hospital thing is tiering to me.

All of them there standing on side of my bed, soon the doctor came in.

Whatever garbage he has to say.

"she won't be able to walk for 1 month or so" the doctor explained that the bullet slightly hurt my leg bones as they needed time to heal.

"I'm fine"

I immediately stood up after saying that just to fall back again on the bed.

I lost my right leg balance.

With a laugh I gave Gaz a glance "you're playing with fire, it won't do anything good but burn you"

Gaz quickly held my hands.


"I'm so sorry y/n" he had this teary eyes, god knows wether they are real or not.

I pushed his hands away with a disgusted look on my face.

He no longer had the honor to even talk to me.

"you're writing your name on my bullet sergeant Kyle gaz garrick" I pushed him away.

Pushed him away, perhaps forever.

"You need rest" price sat on a chair and chased the rest away, I frowned my face.

I told him I didn't need the medic.

"that rest I'll get it at home" price didn't wanted to sent me home.

But I insisted, I deserve some time now.

I called my parents to pick me up directly from the hospital, I do not plan to go all the way to base.

Soon my parents came and I explained the situation to them, they made a fuss as usual.

We were leaving when my mom looked at price "oh my! Y/N are all your colleague so charming" she commented on price as he laughed nervously and thanked her.

But not without earning a glare from my dad.

"Then take care love" price whispered as I hugged him "I'll honey" I whispered back at him as he chuckled lightly.

I remembered how gaz shouted at me.

The audacity to even shout at me annoyed me to the fullest.

And also the medic, she  didn't even care to explain what happened.

They made a great dumb duo.

"you'll regret this" I mumbled at no one while looking in the rear mirror snd scratched my scars up my jaw lightly.

"Dud you say something honey?" My mother turned around as I smiled at her.


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