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A slight change in the air and everything is dark, no warm tea no ghosts, no team 141 no one just me in a dark room, with one bulb my hands hurt my face covered in blood a sharp pain stings my rib, everything is so painful it has been a year since I haven't fell this much pain it's so cold.

I barely see someone what just happened?

Oh wait now the memory is coming back some drug lord grabbed me on the way to ghosts base, why does this always happen to me what did I do to get all this, I groaned lightly as someone came in view.

"Good you're up sunshine", a man spoke as I looked up my vision was still covered in blood but I could tell he was the drug dealer, I wanted to spit on him but my mouth was completely dry, my throat hurts.

I was badly beaten up, "the Intel you and your team stole from me I need it back", I was listing but no energy to talk back "and because of you guys one of my favorite man was killed" the man spoke again as I didn't reply, he sighed grabbing my hair as I hissed lowly, my head was spinning as he banged it on the wall harshly, "fuck that was 1 year ago I don't work with 141 anymore cunt" I replied as a sharp pain hit my head.

he circled around me and hit my back with a bat as I coughed blood, "they will get me the Intel and one of you will die" I twitched my face at him confusingly as he smiled, "Mara, she's here too, just next to your wall" then I was quite.

I was going to die here.

No this is it I'll die here, this is the end even though they loved me they didn't loved me more than her more than mara.

No they would never come for me they will just go for her, I'm not even there team anymore, i would never compare, I would never come close, not with my ambitious demeanor not with my shitty attitude, i wasn't stupid enough to expect anyone to come save me not when Maras life hung in the balance, there was never a doubt about who was more valued on the team despite my skills I was never able to contend with maras spot on the team.

It was not about who was more talented it was about who was more loved and no one loved me more than her

No one.

Not even Simon riley who just shattered me million times, not even price who had been on many missions with her not even gaz who enjoyed her company more than mine not even soap who would never deny his leutinents orders.

"What's wrong sunshine?", The man asked in a mocking tone "don't think they will come for you?", I was silent, hesitant too, "No" I let out as I fixed my eyes on my my legs, my nails were bruised.

If you were not too much shattered you could see the slight hint of pity in the drug dealers eyes, "will you keep your words?" I asked as he hesitated but nodded, "then when they hand me the Intel my men will get rid of you" the drug dealer spoke and left the room, just if I wasn't weak, I won't be in this situation why am I so fucking weak.

"Favoritism" the men who was here to kill me spoke as I moved in my chair, the chains rattling and hurting my arms not even loosening a bit, no I can't cry I won't cry there's nothing to cry about, I'm a fucking military I promised to give up my life for the fuckin country before I joined.

I would never want to be her I'll never want to be mara even till the day where I'm not breathing, "let's get this straight no one's coming to save you" he spoke slapping my cheeks.

A harsh kick on my rib cage and I'm down, more blood from me as I coughed, my ribs where broken for sure.

  my eyes where half open as they were bruised, "just end this please" I managed to speak out as the guy stepped his boots on my head "I talk not you", he harshly pin my head down as I was loosing it, a click of a gun in my ear that's it I'm dead.

I smiled as my memories flashed back at everything makarov is there too his just there his waiting right there.

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