Part 35

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Mikey flinched at the muffled bang, eyes blinking open with your whispered curses. Blearily his hand moved to feel your side of the bed, suspiciously empty and cold.

"Whatcha doin?" He rolled over, rubbing the sleep off his face. Expression changing as he caught you on the floor, hunched over yourself.

"Ah." Your grip on your toe relaxed as you looked at the mutant watching you.

Mikey felt a jolt of electricity run through him at the sight of you haphazardly dressed, shoes nearly on, shirt dangling around your neck, pants almost zipped, unbuttoned. Mikey blinked, bringing his gaze up to your face - adrenaline spiking when your eyes met. Quickly Mikey looked away, kicking himself for visually devouring you.

"T-tony." You responded, clearing your throat. "Tony needed-"

"Tony, that kid you just hired?" Mikey straightened, feeling too naked without his necklaces, mask.

"Yeah." Mikey watched your face scrunch. "He got another DUI last night-"

"Isn't he still underage too?" Mikey stretched, feet meeting cold cement.

"Unfortunately." You breathed, standing, pulling your shirt on. "He's really-" you grunted as you buttoned your jeans. "Struggling with this newfound freedom." The tone in your voice suggested it was anything but. "I was his only phone call, so I gotta-"

"A'ight." Mikey stood, joining you as you moved out to the main room. "I'm guessing that means no time for-"

"Can't." You pat Mikey's chest, head shaking sadly. "You know those kids are like family. I'm all they got." Your frantic justifications made Mikey shake his head, hand on your shoulder cutting you off.

"I get it." Mikey emphasized, looking you dead in the eye. "You ain't ever gotta explain that to me. You gotta do whatcha gotta."

"Right." The relief in your voice reminded him how many people hadn't been understanding in the past.

"If you need anything, call." Mikey juggled his hand, holding it up to mimic a phone.

"You know it, babe." You grinned, waving as you started out towards the exit.

Mikey watching till he couldn't see you anymore, turning to the kitchen.


Mikey froze. Leo. "What're you doing here?" It was more accusatory than he'd meant for it to be.

"Just enjoying some tea with Dad." Leo motioned with his cup, Mikey felt his heart stop. "Funny of you to not notice us both, you being the most skilled of us."

Mikey felt his hackles raise, fists clenched. "Look-"

"Michelangelo." Splinter's voice was stern as he lowered his cup, diffusing his youngest son's vitriol. "Sit."

"Hai, Sensei." Mikey obeyed, taking a chair.

Leonardo rose, the sounds of him readying a cup were deafening in the heavy silence. Mikey opened his mouth, closed it again as he waited.

"Thanks." He muttered, catching Leo's small, terse smile and nod. "So," Mikey's gaze shifted between Leo and Splinter. "What's up?"

"I do not follow." Splinter took a sip. "Nothing is up."

"Yeah." Mikey sighed, "something is or there wouldn't be this little," he motioned between his family members with his cup, steam dancing in the air. "gathering."

Leo bit his lip, shoulders rolling. But that didn't give it away. It was the way his left finger tapped on his cup three times before he spoke.

"We're just talking about the future of the lair if we all-"

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