Part 10

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Silence fell over the room as the bell over the door rang. A soft ting to announce the arrival of the brothers.

It was a little funny, them being the largest by far in the room. The most green. They stuck out like sore thumbs.

But you didn't care about that.

Knife lowered, hors d'oeuvres forgotten, as Splinter moved to the front of the group. You eyes watered. Woodenly you moved past the counter, through the doors. You heard Tiffany ask if you were ok, somewhere in the back of your mind you registered Kriss watching you with concern.

But your eyes never left Sensei. His kind, bottomless eyes found you. A soft smile on his face as both hands poised on his cane.

" Dad ." The word was reverent, whispered on your lips.

His ears twitched. "My favorite."

Your walk switched to fast jog, you fell into his outstretched arms. His hug was strong, steady. Like he was holding all your broken pieces together.

"I missed you." You breathed.

"I have missed you as well, my son."

You felt your lip tremble, the tears welling up behind closed lids. You had known you missed Michelangelo. His absence had been a bleeding, oozing, gaping wound.

But the loss of the brothers. Of Splinter. That had been so much more insidious. A stealthy hollowing in your heart. An absence that had snuck up on you, stolen the joy of simple moments.

Your arms tightened around Splinter, "Just a moment." You whispered into his neck, fighting the flood of ache that had blindsided you.

His paw clutching your shirt as you composed yourself. A soft nod. An understanding. He needed a second too. That thought, that realization, almost broke you.

Slowly your grip on one another released. You stepped back, smiling gently.

"You have grown." Splinter's voice soft, admiration and love in every word as his hand cupped your chin, turned your head this way and that.

You felt your heart warm, glow filling you from the stomach at his words.

"Before I forget." His staff tapped, finger waggled as he spun round to Leonardo, who wordlessly produced a bag. "I brought you some gifts."

Your head tilted as you took the bag, bowed slightly as Splinter moved past you to pick at the food on the tables you had pushed together. Peeking inside you caught sight of...

"Fruit?" You sent a confused glance to the brothers.

Leo shrugged. "He's Asian."

As if that explained anything. Raph nodded like that was all you would need to clarify the situation. Mikey was right beside Splinter, sampling every plate. With an exasperated sigh you turned to Donnie.

"That's kind of how traditional Asian parents show their affection." Donnie sighed. "It's a bit of a stereotype, yes." He nodded, eyeing his brothers. "But it holds truth to it."

The knowledge made your voice weak. You clutched the bag to you. "I love it."

Donnie sent you a sideways glance. Shrugged. "I don't know exactly what happened between you and Mikey," he offered. Obviously struggling with the right things to say. "But you know we consider you part of the family." He breathed deeply, nodding at Leo's raised brow.

The elder brother grabbing a second plate for his brother.

"That means you're always a part of our clan." Head tilted as he put a hand on your shoulder. Offered a little pat that almost made you laugh. Dee was trying so hard. "You're always welcome with us. No matter who you're fighting with."

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