Part 22

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The light pierced your eyes for a moment, making you blink and shield your vision as you staggered. Thankfully Casey had a steadying arm out to keep you on your feet.

"Thanks bro." You grinned shakily.

He scoffed, long ponytail draping over his shoulder. "Anything for a brother." His smile wrinkled his cheeks, wink was just as charming in his forties as you imagined it was in his twenties. "So?" Hands gripped your shoulders, shook you a little as he steered you down the sidewalk. "Feeling better?"

"Mm." You paused, stretching. Your muscles were tight, straining with the motion, not nearly as painful as it had been six weeks ago. "You know what?" You smiled, twisting your torso. "I think I do!"

"That's the spirit!" Casey waved down a taxi. "I know someone who's looking forward to this momentous occasion."

You grew cold, scooting across the back seat, flashing a quick grin to the driver as Casey sat beside you, closing the door.

You looked out the window, trying to hide your frown.

You knew Mikey had a 'surprise' recovery party waiting for you at the Cafe. You knew he'd be there with all the employees, food. Balloons. Music. The brothers. Splinter. Eyes closed, you breathed deep as the car pulled away.

"Did you hear me?" Casey leaned forward, you could feel his eyes boring into you. "I said-"

"I know!" You plastered on a bright grin to subvert the sharpness that you had spoken with. "Mikey will be so excited." You lied through your teeth.

Mikey wasn't excited about your recovery. Ever since you'd been shot he'd become a paranoid mess, more so with whatever thing the boys were working on now.

You weren't sure exactly what was going on, you just knew a bit about Leonardo's whirlwind romance with some mom nurse. You'd caught the tail end of conversations that had died quickly once your presence was detected.

It had been alienating as fuck.

Your family tip toeing, handling you like glass. Afraid to even look at you too hard. You felt your face wrinkle in a sneer. The urge, sudden and violent, to paint made you tangle your fingers, leg bouncing.

"Whoa!" Casey joked, hand on your knee to still you. "I know you're anxious, but chill. We aren't getting there any faster with you spinning your wheels."

"Right." The word slipped out slow. You sighed, fell back in the seat, going limp on an exhale. "Right."

The drive had been uneventful. A few time passing conversations about nothing. Casey was done fighting crime. They were moving as soon as their apartment sold. The kids were so big now! Casey Junior was into hockey, just like dad (but as good as mom). June was going to be an astronaut one day, she just knew it. And oh, you missed the Thanksgiving drama between Leo and some mom.

Blah blah blah.

It wasn't that you didn't care. It was that you were anxious. Tired. Soul weary.

You wished Mikey was in the car with you. He'd have known how to handle your melancholy. Even if he didn't, you shot a look at the animatedly talking Casey, he'd at least recognize your foul mood.

It was dark now. The sun set so fast in winter. Traffic was horrible. The after work crush. People were walking faster than you were driving at this point.

That annoyed you.

You checked your phone again, ignoring Casey's chuckle.

"Gotta hot date or something?" He teased.

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