Part 12

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"What're you doing here?" Arms crossed, glaring up into the dancing blue eyes.

"Did you see?" He shoved his phone in your face.

A picture of your graffiti on the rooftop on proud display under your pseudo account. You winced, looking up at Mikey. His face twisted into an expression of extreme upset.

"It's been a week of this shit!" He pointed to the screen aggressively.

"That's. Uh, that's some good art." You offered feebly, running a hand through snow damp hair.

"No!" He pouted, "It's over my graffiti-" Mikey scratched his head, shifted his weight to one leg, chuckling uncomfortably. "I, uh." Lip's smacked as he looked behind you towards the cafe, thoughts quickly derailing. "What's going on there?"

You sighed, arms unfolding as you turned. Time might march forward, but Michelangelo remained the same.

"It's Tiffany's last day." You watched your employees through the windows, the sounds of their karaoke made for joyous background noise. You smiled, ignoring the sting of tears. "She got a place at the bank."

"Oh." There was a frown in Mikey's voice, you felt his gaze on you.

You waved his worry off, plastering your smile wider. "It's good for her. There's job security there. Opportunities to move up. A real step towards a career." You ignored the break in your voice. "This job was only ever meant to be a stepping block for them." Mikey's hand fell on your shoulder. You resisted for a moment as he pulled you in. "I don't understand," you dragged in a trembling breath, giving in to the support you'd always searched for. "I knew they wouldn't stay. I know all of them will leave eventually."

His hand rubbed your arm softly as you fell against him, head leaning on his chest. "So why's it hurt so much?"

You caught Mikey's frown. "Cuz you love them. You care about them." He shrugged. "You're a good boss and a good friend."

You stiffened, pulling away. Shaking your head.

You weren't. You knew you weren't.

"Anyway." You sighed, cigarette butt grinding underneath your shoe. "I gotta get ba-" you felt a tug on your shirt.

Curiously you looked over your shoulder. Mikey was looking between you and the cafe, eyes begging, lip jutting out in a pout.

You sighed, eyes rolling. "Yes okay?" You inhaled, thinking of what hell this was going to cause. "You can join..."

"Oh good." Mikey followed you inside.
Music blasted as soon as you opened the doors. Everyone huddled around the makeshift stage along the wall.

"'Eyyy!" Tiffany slurred, voice too loud, especially with a microphone. "It's Wilde and Mikey."

You bristled, turning to her as Mikey shoved by you, beelining for the food. You sighed, shaking your head. Of course the joke would go over Mikey's head. You doubted he ever actually read anything that didn't have pictures in it.

A titter of laughter as you approached, snagging the microphone from her. "My turn." You growled, watching her step off the stage. Stagger a little. Grab another beer.

"Alright guys." The music changed, you nodded, taking a breath. "If you know this one-" Kriss whistled, Tiffany shouted, bottle raised. "Then feel free to sing along."

You took a breath, head falling back, foot tapping as the rhythm started. "Oh yeah." You peeked out to notice Mikey freeze, plate set down slowly on the table. "You know what this is."

Watched him turn slowly to the recognizable beat. The one you'd play on a rough work day and the staff would dance with you. The one you'd shout the lyrics to and Mikey would immediately screech the next line, dancing like a wild man right beside you.

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