Part 30

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Your fingers shook as you swiped through the pictures nervously, glancing at the uncharacteristically silent Mikey and back to your phone.

"So!" Too cheerful. "This is Abraham-"

"Nice name." Dry, sarcastic.

"He prefers Abe." Mikey snorted. You shoved him with your shoulder. "It's biblical." You defended your boyfriend. "You of all people should be able to sympathize." You pushed through, ignoring the barbs. More pictures of smiles, foods, coffees, bike rides, water parks, the zoo.

It felt like it took forever to reach the end of the album. It felt too happy, too forced. But there it was. You dared a glance at the stoic mutant. His gaze fixated on the tiny icons.

"What, uh." You swallowed hard. "What do you thi-hey!"

Fingertips tapped together before you could react, eyes tracking your phone being pulled into Michelangelo's hands. You frowned, arms crossing under your chin on his bed, toes tapping on his bedroom wall as he scrolled silently, rolling onto his back, feet crossing at the ankles.


The tick of his clock. Water dripping somewhere. After a few minutes he sighed and handed the phone back.

"You look happy." It sounded genuine. Defeated. "He seems good for you."

"Right?" You looked at the picture Mikey had ended on, heart twisting just a little.

The one from the fourth of July. Five weeks ago. Your first official date.

"And he puts up with our shenanigans, so he's a keeper."

Mikey snorted, crawling to the edge of the bed and sitting. "Well, we'll see."

You frowned, looking at him. "Hey." A hand on his wrist. "You're my best friend." You reiterated, thumb absently trailing over Mikey's skin. "That's not going to change just because I'm dating someone." You searched his face. "I love you?"

You watched Mikey's eyes close, watched him inhale. "Yeah." The word breathed out on a sigh. "I love you too."


"-and then-" your gaze darted to Abe's mom as she motioned to her eldest with her fork, "he dropped down to one knee right there in the subway!"

"No!" You gasped, smile plastered wide across your face as you looked at the mortified woman and her fiance, who was cracking up.

"Can't forget the anniversary if it's her birthday!" He crowed, hand slapping on the tablecloth as he winked, glasses and silverware jumping with the force.

A few heads turned at the commotion, quickly losing interest once they realized the source was jovial.

"Honey." She smoothed his shirt, looking into his face imploring. "Please try to keep it down. We're not at home."

He rolled his eyes. "It's a beautiful September day."

You leaned back, exchanging an uncomfortable look with Abe as the mood shifted.

"We're eating at this fine establishment," his voice pitched up as he took another deep drink of wine, "and," he raised his mostly empty glass, "we just got engaged!"

Some cheers from the other patrons filled the air as you felt heat and embarrassment fill you.

Your fingers tangled in your lap as Abe's head fell into his hand. "Mom." His eyes widened, glance shooting to his sister, who looked on the verge of crying.

"Oh it's fine ." His mom waved it off. "We're just so happy right now-"

You stared at your phone. At the text from Mikey, relief flooding you at the excuse to leave this quickly derailing train.

"I am so sorry." You interrupted, not feeling the least bit bad. "It's urgent." You smiled apologetically.

"The cafe?" Abe rose as you did, helping with your coat.

Stupidly you set your phone down, slipping your arms in. Not responding, but Abe saw the notification from Mikey. His expression changing as he straightened your collar. Catching your eyes.

Your smile faded, gaze hardened. "It's family. " You corrected him, turning to the table, breaking the tension. You'd deal with that later. "Congratulations again, you two." You smiled warmly at the couple. "And thank you so much for inviting me along." You grabbed Mom's hand, clasping it firmly. "I always adore basking in your beauty." You winked at her immodest preening smile.

Grabbing your phone you paused for a second, looking at Abe. But he'd taken his seat. You nodded, striding out of the restaurant.

Fist clenched.

Abe had known when he'd agreed to date you. Your family had come first.



"It. Is. Date. Night." Words ground out between Abe's clenched teeth.

"And Leo needs a baby sitter." You tsked, eyes rolling. "It's not like I planned for this to clash with-"

"He has three brothers and a dad!" Abe shouted, fist banging on the table as he rose. "Why do you always run at their beck and call?"

You closed your eyes. Inhaled slowly. "I've said this before, Abraham." You turned, feeling inhumanly calm. "I'll say it again." You almost felt bad.

He stood in front of his couch, chest heaving. Candles lit and placed on the coffee table, fruits and cheeses and chocolates and meats all spread out artistically. You knew he'd been expecting to have sex with you later that night.

One of the handful of times you'd been with him in the months you'd been together.

The idea disgusted you.

Weird. Was all you could think. "They're family."

He scoffed. Arms flailing. "You keep saying that like it means anything!" His head shook. "My sister is my family. Do I go running whenever she needs anything? My brothers? My mom?"

You couldn't help the way your hackles rose. "No. You do not."

"I don't." He repeated, brows rising. "And if this 'family'," he finger quoted, "is so important why haven't I met them yet?"

You bristled, the cruelest words rising to your lips before you could stop them. "Maybe it's not their importance you should question."

That stilled the room. And maybe you should have felt bad for the way you had wounded Abe so thoroughly, the way you watched your words shatter him a little. The way you watched his heart break as you didn't react. As you didn't take a thing back.

He chuckled. Shifted. A hand on his hip, finger waggled.

"It's that Mikey-"

That got you. "Keep his name out your fuckin' mouth." You growled, shoulders squaring.

"That mother fucker." Abe's eyes narrowed, teeth sinking in and jaw locking. "He's got you. Whatever weird incest thing you've got for him, that hard on is visible from fucking space. He tells you to sit and you just ask where." Abe sneered. "I tried so hard to ignore it, to love you anyway. To get you to-" his voice cracked. "To love me." A year, single and solitary, ran down his cheek. "I loved you." The anger returned. "And you'd rather get railed up the ass by your own brother."

You snarled, inhuman ripping past your teeth. "He's not-"

Abe's lips ripped open in a cruel smile. "Fucking disgusting." His head shook. "Get out." He sat back on his couch, foot landing on his knee. Hand waving you off. "We're done here. I never want to see your fucking face again. Get the fuck out."

Rage. All you could feel was rage. Vibrating in your bones, red tainting your vision.

You'd show Abe. You'd show Mikey. You'd show everyone . Angrily, as you stepped out into the snowy air, you wiped the tears off your face. You were all dressed up anyway.

You hailed a taxi.

You were gunna hate fuck someone tonight.

You didn't give a fuck who.

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