Part 29

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"So." Blankets spread out.

Mikey pulled his hat lower, waving at a couple a few yards away at a neighboring rooftop.

You shot them a glance, looked back at Mikey with a smirk, his skin, what was showing, glowed an odd brownish green in the setting orange of the sun.

"It'll be deserted, huh?" You cocked your head as he practically threw the cooler down, glowering underneath the brim of his hat, blue eyes crystalline in the glow of the sun. "Just us. No one's ever here on the fourth of-"

A massive hand tugged you down to the blanket. "Shut it." He growled, visibly pouting.

"Aw." You pat his cheek, prying his fingers off you, calming your raging heart. "It's okay." You looked around, wincing as another couple and their kid joined the others. "They'll be too busy with the fireworks to notice you anyway, Stud." You pat his arm.

Mikey sighed, knees drawing up as he grabbed a can of kool aid. "I don't get it." He popped the top. "It was deserted last year."

"Maybe they renovated and rented the building out." You mused, shrugged as you fell back on your elbows, watching the sun's rays play through the clouds. "The windows look pretty new. Energy efficient." You mused, waving that train of thought off after a second. "It doesn't really matter-"

"It does." You snorted at Mikey's petulant tone. "I would have joined all the others if I'd known."

"Nah." You lay all the way back, arms folding under your head. Rap music blaring from somewhere. You tapped Mikey's free hand with your shoe. "Seriously." You emphasized. "This is fine. Even with them." You gestured behind you with your head. "It's still less people. We can still be loud and stupid if you want."

Mikey's lips curled, you could tell his mood was still sour.

"Or." You propped yourself back up. "We could move to one of the warehouses off the harbor?"

You watched the idea settle over Mikey. "But," he frowned, taking a drink. "The fireworks'll be further away."

You shrugged. "Not the worst. And we'll still get to do our ritual." You grinned, gaze shifting to the radio Mikey had lugged along with the ice chest.

You sat now, watching him think. Watch the idea sink in. Marinate. You knew you'd won him over even without him having realized.

"Okay." You popped up, grabbing the blanket, folding it neatly to stuff in your backpack.

"Wait." Mikey's hand jerked out, stopping you halfway. "Won't-" He shifted uncomfortably. "Won't you miss your date," the word ground out like a curse. "If we move further away?"

You rolled your eyes, pulling free from Mikey and zipping your bag. "He can wait!" You shouldered the bag, motioning for the mutant to follow suit. "And besides," you grunted as you snagged the radio, impressed, as always, as Michelangelo took that and the ice chest from you. Carrying both with ease.

An odd sense of pride rose in you as someone behind you whistled at Mikey's shameless display of strength.

You knew. You closed your eyes. Inhaled.

"Be-besides." You continued, following him to the stairs. "If he can't wait for me if I'm a little late, he ain't worth it."

The harbor had been a change. You weren't sure how you felt about it. The fireworks were quieter. Further. You were used to being bathed in light, dazzled by body rocking noise and sensation.

It was far more intimate out by the sea. Waves lapping gently. You could hear Michelangelo's breath. It was cooler, the breeze off the water. The music playing was classics. Normally light hearted fun, dancing arm in arm to Sinatra and Crosby. But tonight, as the fireworks lit the both of you up in highlights of rainbows and the music crooned and arms and hands moved to practiced positions. It felt... more. More than you had meant. More than you had intended.

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