Part 16

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"Yeah, well fuck you!" You shouted as Mikey bristled.

To add insult you threw both middle fingers up, ignoring the frozen silence of your staff and the murmurs drifting in from the restaurant.

Mikey didn't though.

In what could only have been the first time you'd ever, ever, seen him angry Mikey slowly unfolded, reminding you abruptly that, compared to you, he was huge. Biceps the size of your head, standing at least six inches to a foot taller and a good hundred pounds on you. Even on your worst days.

His normally jovial blue eyes hardened like ice, wrinkles in the corners tightening as he approached. His body was stiff and purposeful in movement.

"Now wait-" you held out a hand, stepping back into a prep table.

He didn't take any notice, your arm folding against you as his body pressed into your bubble.

"Wait." It came out more feeble.

You were used to little spats. You were used to Mikey just shrugging your tempers off. You were used to him smiling and being sweet to you through your drama.

Rough hands grabbed you. Eyes widened, looking at his grip. Scarred fingers, scaled skin catching the overhead lighting. You already felt your resistance weakening.

Why was he so fucking beautiful?

"Let's take this somewhere more private."

Mikey didn't wait for you to respond as he lifted you, throwing you over his shoulder.

You grunted, his shell digging into your sternum.

"Wait!" It was exasperated, he wasn't listening.

Mikey always listened. You squirmed to try and get more comfortable as he climbed the stairs, door opening too forcefully. Something fell and broke as the door slammed behind you, but it was soon forgotten as Mikey stomped into your bedroom, throwing you down.

He watched you bounce, arms crossing. Expression stern.

And he just stood there, silently.

"What?" You spluttered, rubbing your chest and gaining your bearings.

With a quick shake of your head you stood, only for Mikey to shove you back down with a finger. You glared up at him, fury rising hotter in you, body flushing. You'd forgotten how strong he was.

"You jacka-" you tried to stand again, only to get shoved back down.

"Explain." It wasn't a question. His arms flexed, fingers tightened.

"Ex-" you frowned, "explain?" Incredulity flooded you. "I have to explain?" Fingers dug into your chest as you motioned to yourself. "Me?" The word raked out on a mirthless laugh. "And how about you?"

His expression changed, barely. Your eyes narrowed. There it was, you were cracking his armor.

"D-don't deflect-" a hand waved out, as though to steady you.

"Deflect?" You hated how high your voice rose. "Me?" The insinuation made you laugh, hard. Harder.

Tears rolled down your aching cheeks, your ribs sore. "I-" you chuckled, laughter dying down though the grin remained. "I'm deflecting?" Your head tilted as you motioned to the new wrapping around his chest, just peeking out from his tank top. "And you haven't been?"

He frowned at that, his unwavering glare waivered.

"The most flexible, strong, nimble person I know becomes an absolute shitshow on two legs, and I'm deflecting?" You shook your head. "How many more bike accidents are you going to get into this month?" Your head ticked at Mikey's flinch. "Or skateboard accidents? Or tripping over your own feet?"

"Look-" He tried.

But he fell silent as you raised your hand. As you stood.

This time he let you.

"You've been lying to me for almost a year now." Voice tight. You weren't going to cry. "And I thought, fine." You shrugged. "You know. Whatever. I figured eventually you'd start trusting me with the mother fucking truth. But you just kept lying."

"I didn't want to worry you." He shuffled, head falling.

You snorted. "You didn't want to worry me but you were okay coming around bruised and bloodied?"

"I-" Eyes darted up, sad and familiar now. "I wanted to be around you. I just didn't think-"

"No!" Arms waved. "You didn't think!" You scoffed. "I've got horse tranquilizers in my fucking office just in case." Your brows rose. "For you. And I don't fucking know the real reason why!" You ran a hand through your hair. "It's maddening. It's insulting." You leaned back, wind gone from your sails. "Most of all though, Mikey. It's fucking lonely."

That touched him. That last line. You saw him almost stagger at the words. The sounds of your breathing and the cafe below mingled in the air. You sat on the bed, giving Mikey time, space.

"I'm so sorry." His voice a whisper after a while. "I thought I was protecting you. I thought... I thought I was doing the right thing." Mikey frowned, rubbing his arm and motioning to the bed.

You nodded subtly, scooting over, drawing your knees up as he sat beside you.

"I didn't mean to hurt you." His voice hitched.

That startled you. You jerked your gaze over. "I don't ever want you to feel alone when I'm right here."

Chills ran over you as a tear ran down his cheek. You straightened.

"I know-"

You reached out, startling Mikey into silence. Eyes, watery and red, looked at you with questioning. You shook your head.

It wasn't fixed between the two of you. Maybe it would never be. The thought hurt you.

"I can handle what you do." You responded, pushing his hands out of his lap, climbing on top of him, shifting so that you straddled him comfortably. "I know." You cupped his face. "And that's fine. But you gotta be honest with me about this shit."

He nodded, barking out a laugh as you wiped his face dry. "Guess I'm kind of a pathetic mess, huh?"

"Course not." You inspected him real quick. Satisfied you fell against him, ignoring his sharp inhale. Arms wrapping around him. "You're pretty great." You ducked your head into his neck, feeling his hands hover.

Smiling, eyes closing, as his fingers fisted into your shirt. Breathing fell into his rhythm.

In, out. Together. It was hypnotic.

Some gentle tugging at your back. Your apron became loose. You shook your head, pulling away.

Sleepy as fuck.

"I gotta get back downstairs." You tried to stand, but Mikey's hands locked you in place.

"Not tonight."

You felt a tingle run through you. Slowly you settled back on top of Mikey, pulling your apron over your head, tossing it onto the ground.

"Okay." You nodded. "Not tonight."

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