Part 38

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Wakefulness came slow. It was a rare morning that Mikey got to sleep in, but he couldn't say, after the last month, he didn't appreciate it. Blinking to the sight of the familiar wall of his bedroom in the lair. For a blissful second none of the weight of the last few weeks was on him.

Then he stretched, and it felt like a freight train came straight for his spine.

Splinter. Cancer.

Mikey shot straight up in bed, heart racing. No one had woken him up because today was the day.

Sheets tangled in feet tangled in blankets as he struggled to stand, to pull on pants over his underwear. Stumbling into his dresser, whacking an elbow on his bed frame as he grabbed an errant shirt, not even bothering with the smell test as he darted out of his room. Hoverboard hummed as he tossed it to the ground, floating as he pulled his shirt on, weaving past a kid.

Jerked back. Stopped. Board tucked under his arm as he looked back.

A kid? That couldn't be right?

But it was. He could tell by the hair color he was one of Leo and Wifey's. He knew that Leo was here today. He just didn't know which kid would be off alone and so sad-

Ah. He crouched down beside his nephew.

"Sup Data Badda?"

The kid shrugged. "You know."

Mikey shifted, hands dangling between his knees. He did know, that was the problem. "Well," he tsked, leaning into the kid. "I can't read your mind." He stood, offering a hand. "Why don't you tell me what got you so down while we go grab grub?"

The kid eyed him with an intensely scrutinizing gaze that was too much like Donnie's. "I ate already." He sniffed, as though joining everyone else again hinged on this fact. "It's noon."

Mikey inhaled, nodded, arm starting to burn. "Yes, right. Okay. I will grab food." He corrected, "You'll tell me why you're sad."

"M'kay." The hand slipped into his.

Gently Mikey tugged the kid to his feet, watched him dust himself off and follow. Sigh.

"Uncle Dee and grandpa are busy."

Mikey perked up. Sent a glance to the oldest. Mikey had known the kid hovered around Donnie like he was a little comet stuck in the nerds orbit. He didn't know the kid had hung out regularly with Dad.

"That must be hard."

Little Data sighed like the weight of the world was on his shoulders, his voice breaking. "I'm scared." He admitted, looking straight ahead despite his watering eyes. "And I'm lonely. And usually I'd meditate with grandpa." The silence was awkward and ling as emotions exploded thick. "But," he added eventually on a shuddering laugh. 

"Well," Suddenly Mikey regretted not trying harder. Regretted taking advantage of how well Donnie and he had clicked. "You can chill with me today. Okay?" He looked down at his nephew's disappointed face. "Just until Uncle Dee is ready. Okay?"

"Hmm." He shrugged, taking a seat at the kitchen table as Mikey broke away to grab three cold pancakes, rolling them up and eating them plain.

Tastebuds dancing. He knew this flavor.

No one cooked with this herb except his baby. Eyes snapped up to search. He could just see the heads poking out over the back of the couch.

Torn, Mikey looked to his nephew, mindlessly staring at his fingers on the countertop. "Hey, kidfo." Mikey leaned over, taking another bite. "How about video ga-"

And then, blessedly, the train wreck of Raph and the other two siblings came sweeping through.

"'Ey, Matta Data!" Raph adjusted the youngest tucked under his arm, the middle over his shoulder. Their flails of protest easily ignored. "I was lookin' fer ya!" He leaned forward conspiratorially, toothpick switching sides, catching Mikey's gaze and winking. "Let's beat these two senseless." He straightened as the kid beamed, "You're on my team."

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