Part 25

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"You know-" you grabbed another egg from the carton between you and Mikey, "that it was your painter guy, right?" You tossed the egg up, catching it in your palm gently. "You know. The piece by the cafe." You didn't look at him, afraid that your face would reveal your deflection. Your half assed attempt at fixing something you'd done in a fit of rage. Your regret.

Hearing Mikey grunt as he chucked his own egg across the distance, body rocking back with the effort, feet kicking out over the ledge.

"I know." Your gazes glued to the splattered mess on the window of a building kitty corner from the complex you were sitting on top of. "It just..." you looked across to Leo and Donnie, both absorbed in whatever statistics and graphs were being displayed.

Raph nowhere to be found. You watched Mikey grab an egg. A second.

"It hurt." He tossed one. Hard.

It flew across the gap like a bullet. Dread filled you, you could feel Mikey's apprehension. You heard the shell smash, coupled with the gentle crack of glass.

"Oop." You snorted, ducking as the window opened.

Someone hanging out, looking around confused. Curses floating through the air amidst the noise of the city.

Mikey had rolled back behind the ledge, tucking into himself to get low enough to avoid detection. Though you were sure his shell was sticking up.

"The hell did you two do?" Leo rose his gaze to you both, huddled together and snickering. Not at all suspicious.

"Nothing!" Mikey fell back on his ass, hands splayed open. His remaining egg rolling out of his fingers to splatter on your shoe.

"Wha-?" You looked at the mess.

Up at him.

He smiled sheepishly, shrugging.

"You dick!" You raised your arm, slamming your egg on his head.

Mikey looked at you, wide eyed and incredulous. For a second you both stared at one another as the reality of what you did sunk in. Leo snorted. You wiped the mess on your hand across Mikey's face.

"You can have this too." You muttered, acting purely on impulse, Mikey too stunned to stop you.

Till you flicked his chin. That broke the trance.

"That's it!" Mikey launched himself at you, wrapping you in his arms to protect you as he landed, yanking you against him. One of his arms wrapped around your torso, trapping you as he pulled back up. His free hand fisting, rubbing against your scalp painfully.

"No!" You kicked your feet fruitlessly, fingers attempting to pry his arm off you. "No noogies!"

"Since when?" You felt Mikey's chest collapse with an exhale as he yanked up your shirt, wiping the egg mess off his head.

"Since forever!" You shouted, sinking your teeth into his forearm.

Startled, Mikey's grip loosened enough for you to break free.

"You bit me!" He sounded shocked.

You snorted, rubbing your sore head, glaring. I thought you liked when I bit. You swallowed the retort, purposefully misreading the heat in Mikey's eyes as he glared right back.

A beep broke through the awkward standoff between the two of you. You blinked, consciously relaxing your body.

"Unbelievable." Donnie muttered.

Leo scoffed in agreement, shuffling as he folded his arms.

"In front of my tech?" Splayed fingers motioned to the antenna and screen set up beside the terrapin.

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