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It was easy, living life like a witch meanwhile no one knows she is one. Well, almost no one knows, of course there are people like Strange and the Avengers who know her real identity but none she really talks to still. Most of the time she is just Juno, an average girl in New York City, trying to live her life.

She had always dreamed of college, being able to study but she never had the chance. After the battle with Thanos, she was back at square one, she had no history anywhere. Stephen Strange had always taken care of her due to their similar powers, but she never went to school, therefor, she can not attend college, even if she desperately wanted it.

Working in a small coffee shop it is then.

She walks through the city, her hands warming themselves in her pockets. In about two weeks she will see Stephen again, he usually checks up on her once a month to make sure she is doing alright, which honestly, she is. Juno, however, is stopped in her tracks by a weird feeling in her body, something is up. Something magical.

Sorcerers have always been good at feeling or noticing magic far before anyone else does. Juno had promised Stephen that she wouldn't use her powers anymore, it was his only condition for her to live on her own, so, she agreed. But this magic is not coming from her, it's from something else. She looks around, confused as to what is causing it but finding nothing.

Whatever, Juno. It isn't your problem anyways. She thinks to herself.

She shakes the feeling off and continues walking towards the small coffee shop. She enters and begins working. It's a rather quiet Wednesday evening, not many people show up so she has time to pay attention to the screen hanging against the wall, showing the news. She starts cleaning the bar a little, making sure all spots are gone.

"Breaking News." The man on the TV says, catching everybody's attention in the small shop. "Our sources have confirmed Spiderman's real identity, he goes by Peter Parker and lives in Queens." Juno drops the towel she was holding and immediately reaches for her phone. Sure, she hadn't really talked to the boy since the funeral of Tony Stark, but this couldn't be good.

She clicks on the contact she had saved ages ago and waits for him to pick up. First beep, hopefully he is okay. Second Beep, he can be in big trouble right now, who knows? Third Beep, maybe he has to move and change his name now.

"Hello?" A sigh of relief leaves Juno's mouth when she hears the familiar voice.

"Hey, are you okay? I saw the news, you're identity is revealed?"

"Yeah, Misterio did it. What do I do?" He sounds desperate and Juno, for a fact, knows he has his hand in his hair.

"How bad is it?"

"It's fine--" She hears people shout and glass breaking in the background. "Actually, it's quite terrible." Juno closes her eyes and thinks for a moment. "Seriously, we're being threatened with bricks, what do I do?"

"I wish I knew, Peter."

"I only tried to save people, you know. Be the friendly neighborhood spiderman."

"I know."

"Juno, I really fucked up this time." She doesn't know what to do, she wants to help but has no idea how. "At least you checked up on me, nobody else cared to do so. Thank you for calling."

"We used to be a team, remember?" She asks, smiling to herself.

"Actually, originally we were rivals." Peter reminds her. "You were on Steve's side and I helped Tony." She chuckles when she remembers the fight to help Bucky. Those were the good times.

"And we lost them both."

"Yeah, we did." Of course Steve technically didn't die... though losing him still hurt. "I just hope I get into college this year."

"Of course, you're crazy smart. I bet you will."

"What are you up to?" Juno swallows, she wants to reassure him so she should probably sound incredibly happy.

"I'm amazing, I work at the Little Bean coffee shop in New York City." It's quiet for a few moments, did he buy it?

"You're lonely, aren't you?" Fuck you, and your above intelligent brain, Peter.

"What? Noooo..." She looks around for a second, the only two people here are an old man and a woman who looks like she works in an office. "Yes, yes I am."

"I'm sorry--"

"Don't be. This is my life, it's good." Someone walks inside, he wears a cap over his head and looks rather suspicious. "I gotta return to work, if there's anything you need, call me."

"I will, thanks, Juno." She smiles, ending the call and putting her phone back in her pocket. She decides to smile for the weird stranger.

"Hello, welcome to Little Bean, can I get your order?" The man takes his hand out of his pocket revealing a gun, the woman screams seeing the weapon in his hand. Juno, however, sighs and rolls her eyes.

"Open the register and hand me everything, NOW!"

"Seriously? From all the big starbucks around here, you come to the smallest shop in the city? You're an idiot."

"Don't provoke me."

"Or what?" She asks, raising her brow. "You'll shoot me?" Silence. She smirks, crossing her arms over her chest. "Go ahead, shoot." She says, confidently. The man hesitates. "Do you want me to pull the trigger?" It takes the man a minute but he finally found the courage to shoot, the bullet is immediately stopped by a light blue flame. The man's eyes widen as he looks at her. "You just threatened an avenger."

"Fuck." He swears before running outside. Juno drops the bullet and runs after him. Even if the man is simply a thief, he almost committed a murder, and fighting crime is something Juno will never get tired off. She follows him into an alley until he's gone. She looks around, confused.

"The hell did he go?" She mumbles to herself. The same weird feeling from this morning returns and before she knows it, a weird yellowish spark appears. She knows what it is, of course she does. A portal. She had casted many of them until her ring was taken by Stephen himself, saying she didn't need it anymore.

Juno knows she should run away but the curiosity gets the best of her, she stays and is soon drawn into the portal. For a second it's black around her before a city seems to build itself up around her and she's back where she was seconds ago. A dark alley in New York City. What had just happened?

───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────

Word Count: 1105

Written: 26/12/2022

So this is Chapter one. I hope you enjoyed reading this one because I enjoyed writing it. Now we'll be going to the Amazing Spiderman universe. Enjoy!

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