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The two older Peter's and Juno watch the youngest Peter and MJ kiss each other gently. For a moment everyone is quiet until the oldest one speaks up.

"You got someone, right?" The second one looks at Juno and smiles softly. Juno feels a pair of eyes on her and looks back. 

"Do you?" He asks back without answering.

"You know, it's complicated." The oldest one replies. 

"Yeah, I understand." The second one replies. 

"I won't give up. It took a while but we made it work." The oldest one replies. "Me and... MJ. Well, my MJ. It gets confusing, huh?" They laugh until Juno feels a pair of eyes on her again. 

"If there's something you want to tell me, Parker, then tell me." Juno says, looking at her Peter. 

"Is there something you want to hear?" He asks back.

"Touché." Juno replies, smiling. "Actually, there is something I want to hear." He nods at her to sign that she has to continue. "I want to know if what you said back there... if you meant it." Her Peter nods softly and smiles.

"I did, every word of it." He reaches over to grab her hand and pulls her a little closer to him. "And I'm gonna repeat it just to refresh your mind." Juno smiles. "There's no one, I'd rather be with." 

"You're such a romantic." She jokes, he chuckles.

"Hey, you're the one making me feel all cheesy and corny so if anything... you're the problem here. Not me." Juno laughs and pushes him playfully. "Do you feel like at least 10 percent of my feelings too?"

"I can promise you it's much more then 10 percent." Peter smiles and leans up, gently placing his lips on her. She smiles in the kiss, feeling her heart explode with the amount of love she had bottled up inside of her. They later pull away.

"You have no idea how long I wanted to do that for." Juno chuckles at his honesty.

"Peter!" Ned screams, all Peter's turn their heads to him.

"Yeah? Oh sorry, did you mean...?" They point at each other.

" 'Peter' Peter." Ned specifies.

"We're all called Peter."

"Peter Parker?" Ned asks again.

"Same again. We're all Peter Parker." 

"The computer." The youngest Peter runs up to it.

"Good thing you don't all look alike." MJ comments. Juno nods in agreement. 

"I'm ready."

"Yeah, me too."

"Okay, so now, all we gotta do is lure these guys someplace, right?" Juno's Peter asks. "Try to cure them while they try to kill us, and then send them home." Home. Now it's only an illusion in her mind but she fears for the worst. That she'll be seperated from him again. 

"Using a magic box?" Oldest Peter says, hesistantly. 

"It's the Macchina di Kadavus." Juno tells him.


"Well, that's the plan." Young Peter replies. 

"So, are you going into battle dressed as a cool youth pastor, or do you got your suit?" Juno's Peter asks the eldest. The oldest one shows his suit underneath his clothes. "Good."

"Here's your web cartridges." Ned tells young Peter.

"Thanks, man." 

"What's that for?" Oldest Peter asks, confused. 

"It's my web fluid. It's for my web shooters. Why?" Young Peter asks. The oldest shoots webs straight out of his wrist and everyone backs off a little. 

"That came out of you." Ned says, surprised.

"Yeah." The oldest Peter states. "You can't do that, huh?"

"No." The youngest says loudly. 

"How on Earth does that even--?" Juno's Peter asks interested, inching closer. 

"Anyway, we're getting sidetracked. This is where we'll do this, okay?" Young Peter says, showing the statue of liberty on his computer. "It's isolated, so no one should get hurt. We draw them there with the box. It's the one thing they all want. All we have to do is figure out how to get there."

"That ring Ned is wearing creates portals." Juno says, pointing at him. 

"Yeah, I'm magic now."

"Yeah, he's right. He can." MJ states.

"Yeah, we saw." Oldest Peter confirms.

"Yeah, he is." Juno's Peter adds.

"Wait!" Juno says. "You created a portal?" Ned hums. "You're a sorcerer? Damn, okay." 

"I got doctor Strange magic." Ned brags to Peter.

"Yeah? You can do this?" Juno asks, lifting the cubus with blue smoke and immediately sending it into her hands.

"No! But that's cool!" Ned says loudly. "And I promise you, I won't turn into a supervillain and try to kill you." Juno's Peter pats his back, proudly. 

"Okay." Young Peter says confusedly. "Thank you?" A weird awkward silence falls over them before he snaps out of it. "What do you say, Juno, fight along?"

"Hell yeah, we're a team, remember?" Juno asks back, smirking.

"The new Superheroes." Young Peter agrees.

"So, you're gonna fight in those clothes? No offense, they just look uncomfortable." Oldest Peter comments. Juno sends a knowing smirk towards her Peter who smirks back.

"No, I won't." She lifts her arms and pulls them down, blue smoke transforms her clothes into her suit like it always does. 

"Whoa!" Ned says, pointing at her.

"That's my girl." Juno's Peter brags to the others. 

"Right." Young Peter says. "Here goes nothing. What's that thing you always say?" He looks at MJ. "Expect disappointment and--"

"No, no, no." She interrupts. "We're gonna kick some ass."

"Okay." Young Peter says. "That's my girl."

"Cure." Old Peter corrects. "We're gonna cure some ass. And why is my girl not here?" They all laugh. 

"Okay, let's go. Open the portal." Young Peter says to his best friend. While Ned makes some attempts, older Peter walks up to Juno once he's in his suit.

"I wish I could use magic to get dressed, it looks a lot easier then actually getting dressed." 

"It sure is." Juno agrees. "But magic is dangerous too, at least that's what I found out."

"So, can you, like, do anything?"

"No. There's a lot of things I can't do. Why?" Juno asks back. 

"I just realized there is a small hole in my suit by my shoulder and I wondered if you could fix it?" She chuckles and nods.

"Hold on." She lifts one hand and lets the smoke do its thing, sewing the gap shut and somehow the spider logo on his suit lights up a little.

"Cool! How did you... that's amazing!" Older Peter says happily.

"I just wanted to fix the suit." Juno says confused, looking down at her hands. "The damn Strange magic. I don't have it fully under control yet."

"What do you mean? This is the coolest." Older Peter says happily. "Thanks."

"I'm happy you're happy, man." 

"I did it!" Ned says loudly. "Come on!"

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Word Count: 1077

Written: 28/12/2022

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