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It is early, the second day has just started in 2014 for Juno, she feels a little weird about the whole situation but doesn't mind it all too much. She opens her eyes and looks at the bed which is empty. For a moment she doesn't think anything of it but then she remembers there is supposed to be a boy sleeping there. 

"Peter?" She sits up and looks around in a confused haze. The door to the bathroom is open and there is no one inside. She looks over to the clock on his nightstand and gets even more confused when she realizes it's only 9.30 A.M. 

Juno got dressed in some clothes she found in Peter's closet and brushes her hair, the natural curls fall over her shoulders. She walks downstairs and finds May sit at the table while eating breakfast. 

"Good morning." Juno says, joining the woman while also realizing Peter isn't here either.

"Morning, dear."

"Where is Peter?" It was such a stupid question, it's not like she has to be attached to the boy by the hip or anything. For all she knows he is at the store or something and now she sounds desperate.

"He didn't tell you?" May asks, she sounds just as confused as Juno feels. "Today there is a tour in the New York University. He wanted to attend it."

"Of course." Rather pretend like he had told her than ask more questions. Peter didn't have to tell her anything, they had known each other for merely a day. She didn't need to know where he is all the time.

After breakfast, Juno headed out. She wanted to see a bit more of the city while also keeping herself on the low. The city is busy, I mean it's the middle of summer, what did she expect? Still, it's a lot busier than she remembered it being a couple days ago. After a while of mindlessly wandering around, she receives a phone call. Juno picks up the phone and walks to a less busy place.

"Hello?" She asks, confused. Not sure if anyone here even has her number.

"Juno?" Except for Peter. "Is there any chance you can come to the New York University?"

"Like, right now?"

"Yes, right now."

"Did you forget anything?"

"No. Just show up." Peter replies. "As fast as you can." And he ended the phone call. Juno couldn't even ask anymore questions. She feels weird about this but decides to let it go. If she has to go now, why not make use of her powers? She once was able to teleport, she might still be able to do so. She focuses on the university and... nothing happens.

Well, the subway it is...

Everything goes black for a moment before the world around her takes shape again, like loading into a video game. She looks around and immediately jumps up and down in excitement. The teleportation worked surprisingly fast as she is now standing in front of the university she is supposed to meet Peter at. Juno walks inside and sees her friend look at her confused.

"How fast do trains go these days?" He asks, looking at her.

"I teleported, it worked. I'm amazing." Juno replies.

"Stop bragging."

"I wasn't."

"Follow me." He didn't really give her a chance, he has already her hand in his and is now pulling her towards the desk where a woman is typing away on her keyboard. "This is Juno Mae Mathews, the girl I told you about." Peter explains to her.

"Does she speak English?"

"A little." A little? Peter's look says it all, he lied about where she had come from. 

"Where do you come from, Miss Mathews?" Peter shrugs at her.

"Germany." Juno replies confidently.

"Sprechen Sie Deutsch?" (Do you speak German) The woman behind the desk asks, curiously. 

"Ja, Ich bin in Deutschland geboren." (Yes, I was born in Germany) Peter is so lucky she actually used to live in Germany for a while and thus speaks German.

"Any other languages?"

"German, Spanish, Dutch, French and English." Even Peter stares at her in wild surprise. The woman continues typing. 

"And you have transferred to New York, why exactly?" The woman asks. Juno looks at Peter for help and he is the one answering the question.

"She is a family friend of ours, she lost her parents so my aunt offered to help her out." Juno goes to smacks the back of Peter's head but before her hand can collide with him, his hand stops her from doing so. The damn spider tingle.

"Well, since we have your record and everything seems clean, we'll see what we can do for you. We will call." The woman replies. Juno frowns at both her and Peter.

"Thank you very much, come on, Juno." Peter pulls her away from the desk and back outside. 

"The hell was all that about?"

"Please don't hate me--"

"Usually when people begin sentences like that, something terrible is following." Juno comments. The two of them stop outside of the building.

"You told me you wanted to go to college but can't because there is no record, correct?"

"Yeah." Juno replies, unsure of what's coming next.

"So, I spend the entire night making a fake record and sending it to the university. They might get you a scholarship because your grades were so good." Peter explains.

"What?" Juno asks, sounding a lot more angry than what Peter had expected. "Are you crazy, Parker? That's a crime!"

"It's only illegal when you get caught." He defends. Juno rolls her eyes. "I just wanted to help. I saw how passionate were when you were talking about wanting a normal life. I thought this would be a good idea." Juno looks down and smiles to herself.

"Never and I mean never has anyone ever done something like this for me." She says, looking up and meeting his beautiful dark brown eyes. "Why would you even do that? You could get in trouble."

"Trouble would be worth it if I get to make you happy." For a moment Juno is frozen in her place, a weird feeling sending shivers through her entire body, she could cry that's how cute he is. 

"That's sweet, thank you."

"Do you have parents?" Peter asks, feeling stupid for not asking first.

"You're lucky, I don't. Your lie works out perfectly." 

"Now let's hope they'll accept you." Juno smiles, moving closer to him and wrapping her arms around his frame. "Thank you, Peter." He holds onto her, resting his chin on her shoulder while taking in the feeling of her in his arms.

"You're welcome." She pulls away, smirking at him. 

"Want to try if teleportation works with two?" Peter grins back.

"Oh, hell yeah."

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Word Count: 1096

Written: 27/12/2022

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