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Peter had left her house immediately when her parents had come home. He didn't want to cause trouble so he went home. Now, a day later, Juno is sitting on the roof of the apartment building which she lives in. She looks over city.

"Memorium." She mumbles, a blue light flickering from the palm of her hand catches her attention. "What in the world...?" She stands up and looks down at her hands. "Memorium?" She asks, the light returning for just another second. What is happening? "Memorium." The light is now staying in the palms of her hands, like a small fire that does not harm her. "MEMORIUM!" The light erupts, sending waves of wiplash through her body. 

The light is gone when she opens her eyes but her mind is working overhours. A river of memories travel through her head, her body trying to take everything in. Different moments flash through her mind, showing the brightest and clearest memories from her past. A smile spreads on her lips when the initial wave has passed and she has returned to her normal self.

She moves faster than her mind can process, she has ran down the stairs like Quicksilver and now she's on her way towards a specific house, a couple blocks away from her own home. She runs up the doorstep and knocks on the door. She waits patiently until it opens and reveals May.

"Juno!" She says, happily.

"Hey, Mrs. Parker. Is Peter home?"

"No, he went after the white creature." Last time he did, he came to her with the deepest cuts and ugly bruises over his body. Juno nods.

"Thank you." She turns around and runs back. She knows she won't find him if she just scouts the town like that, she lifts her arms and transforms her clothes into her suit. Oh how she missed this. Juno finally feels home again, all the confusion gone and only confidence left. She cloud-surfs above the city until her eyes find Spiderman and a weird white lizard-like creature fighting. 

She goes towards them, grabbing the attention of the white thing which melts the clouds with its tail, causing Juno to fall but she uses a magic spell to catch her from hitting the ground. She stands up, watching as Spiderman is thrown into a building. Oh no.

"Juno?" He asks, looking at her in a confused haze.

"It's Nightshade for you, Spidey." She replies, he smirks under his mask. "Now, let's see if this creature likes fire." Her powers make her levitate from the ground, flames erupt from the blue smoke and surrounds the creature, just then it disapppears, like it had never even been there in the first place. Juno gets rid of the fire and lands on the ground, softly. "Wait, where did it go?"

"Oh yeah, it can disappear." Spiderman informs her. Juno rolls her eyes, turning to face him. "We'll get it next time." She nods, he holds his hand out for her which she takes. In a quick motion, she is pulled against him, his arm wraps around her waist and with his free hand, he shoots webs which lifts them up and swings them to the roof of a random building. 

"Maybe next time a warning would be nice." Juno breathes out when they land, Peter takes off his mask and smiles at her sweetly. 

"You remember... you said Nightshade." Juno smiles back.

"I remember everything, there was this piece of paper with a spell on it. It took me a while to figure it out but I did it." 

"I'm happy you're back."

"I'll be damned, Parker. You managed to make me fall in love with you twice, how does one even do that?" Juno asks back, slightly annoyed at herself.

"You're in love with me?" He asks, his arm around her waist pressing her a little closer against him. 

"Noooo..." Juno replies, dragging out the word and looking down.

"Well, what can I say? I have incredible charms."

"Hm, don't get too cocky now." 

"Why not?" Peter asks back. "I managed to make the prettiest girl in the world fall in love with me... twice. You said it yourself." 

"Yeah, I regret saying that now."

"No take-backs." Juno chuckles. "I have missed you, I mean I just wanted you to remember." Peter explains. "Because the version of you I like the most is the weird sorceress one." They both laugh.

"Well, she's back." 

"I'm glad." Peter leans down, his forehead resting against hers. "I fucking adore you, Juno." 

"Does that mean that I'm your MJ?" She asks, he shakes his head lightly.

"No, you're my JM." She smiles before feeling his lips press against hers. She has her arms wrapped around his neck, both his hands are on her waist and their lips collided and melting against one another. "Now about that alien thing..." Peter says when they pull back.

"You are a master in ruining good moments." Juno replies, sighing.

"Believe me, pretty, we're gonna have so many more good moments, you will get tired of them sooner or later."

"I will never get tired of them if it's with you."

"So cheesy." Peter teases. 

"I'm just taking every chance I get in case one of us dies fighting that white alien thing." Juno replies as if it's obvious.

"Right, how about we think positively for a change?" She smiles. "I would appreciate that."

"Fine, let's kick some ass." Juno states.

"I have never kicked an alien's ass before, what a nice new experience."

"I have actually. On Earth and in Space."

"We get it, you're cooler." Peter says, sounding a bit whiny. "But if you have done it before, this must be so damn easy then."

"It obviously was scared, why else would it disappear suddenly?" 

"Good point." They pull away from each other when a loud growling noise comes from inside the city. "Let's teach it a wise lesson. Don't mess with us." Peter says, putting his mask back on.

"Nightshade and Spiderman are back in the game." Juno replies, using the magic to lift herself from the ground. "And I can fly now, so cool."

"How come you can fly? I thought you said you couldn't!"

"I legit couldn't." Juno defends and looks at him. "But Stephen's power has given me new abilities like flying. I'm not complaining though, it's much easier than cloud-surfing."

"Just make sure you won't fall."

"Same goes for you, Spidey." They prepare mentally for the fight that's to come.

"Let's finish this then." Peter says, jumping off the building.

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Word Count: 1069

Written: 29/12/2022

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