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Juno opens her eyes in the early morning of a new day, the heavy sunlight shines in from the left side... which is the wrong side. She immediately sits up and looks around, confused before memories return from the night before. The snoaring coming from behind her make her turn around.

The boy lays on his stomach, his mouth is slightly open and soft snoares come out every so often, it's adorable really. For the first time Juno can really get a good look at him, he has a sandy blond colored hair just like he remembers her Peter to have. This one however, has scars on his nose and cheek, maybe from earlier fights. 

A knock on the door makes her jump, she looks over and prays that whoever is there won't open the damn door. For a moment it's quiet, even the snoares have stopped and then a voice, a female one, comes from the other side of the door.

"Peter? Wake up please, there is a leak in the basement and I was wondering if you could handle it." A hand suddenly covers Juno's mouth, she jumps but realizes it's Peter. 

"I will be there in ten minutes."

"Okay." The sound of footsteps fade away and Peter takes away his hand from her mouth and covers his own as he yawns.

"You really didn't have to cover my mouth."

"Just making sure you wouldn't say anything." He looks at her, his dark brown eyes scanning her facial features. He takes a moment to take in her sleepy state. Her hair is a mix between blonde and a darker blue color which once was box dye, her hair looks very puffy though. Her eyes are almost the same bright blue color as her powers were and she has countless freckles covering her cheeks and nose. 

"Take a picture, it'll last longer." Juno tells him, laying back down on the mattress. She acts as if she didn't just stare when he was asleep. Peter shakes his head smiling and stands up. 

"I'll bring you a bowl of cereal, hope you like rainbow hoops." Juno chuckles.

"Rainbow hoops, really?" 

"Yes, they are very good." He walks outside of the room, making sure to close it. Just when he is gone, Juno sits up, looking around the room. She didn't have the time yesterday and it seems like a good idea. She wanders around for a while until her eyes find a picture of Peter with a blonde girl. They look at each other as if they're in love. Must be Gwen.

She doesn't touch it, Juno is polite enough not to mess with other people's belongings but when she sees the camera, she simply gets too curious. She skips through some of the pictures, they are from objects or landscapes and some have the gorgeous blonde girl on them. The door opens and Peter walks back inside holding a bowl like he had said he would.

"Did you fix the leak?"

"Yeah, it wasn't a big problem, actually." Juno places the camera back from where she had gotten it.

"You're really good at photography, you know?" Peter smiles.

"I will start my first year in college in September and I will follow a photography course." He hands her the bowl and sits down on his bed. Juno sits down next to him and starts eating.

"It's a good idea, you will be great at it." 

"What about you? Are you in college?" Juno shakes her head. "I get that, not everyone wants to study--"

"It's not that I don't want to study." She admits, taking another bite from the cereal. "I just can't."

"How come?"

"I don't have a record so I also never graduated." 

"Wait, you never went to school?"

"Nope." She replies.

"How do you know the stuff you do?" Peter asks, a bit confused.

"I was raised by Stephen Strange who thought me all of it. It was a magic kind of school where I would learn everything I would need but I just never got the exams." 

"Fine, if you were to study, what would you do?" Juno shrugs at his question.

"I guess I thought I would save people for the rest of my life but, if I were to choose something I'm interested in it'll probably be literature or maybe veterinary school." 

"You like animals?" Peter asks.

"Yeah, I don't trust people who don't." He chuckles. "I especially love birds, they are so pretty and free to do whatever they wish. I'm jealous." She places the empty bowl down on his nightstand. 

"So, you plan on waiting for two weeks?"


"You can stay here, you know?" Juno looks at him.

"Again, I don't want to be a burden."

"Again, you're not." She nods. 

"Fine, if it really isn't a problem for you, then I would like to stay. But the moment you want me out, you tell me." Peter smiles and nods.

"Sure thing."

"What do we do until then?" She asks, looking around the room.

"I usually go skating. Do you know how to skate?" Juno had tried before, it never really went well. 


"Want me to teach you?" She stares at him for a moment, he has an adorable smile. 

"Sounds good. But you got to have a lot of patience with me, I'm slow." 

"Got it. No worries." He stands up and takes his skateboard. 

"One thing, Spidey-boy. We're dressed in sweatpants and old shirts."

"Right." Peter said, looking down at his own before he looks at her shirt. His eyes seem to be glued on something. "Are you not wearing a bra?"

"Well, it's very uncomfortable sleeping in one so, no." Peter immediately looks away, his cheeks a soft pink color. "Were you just staring at my--"

"No, I ain't... uh... weren't, no. Hold up." He takes a deep breath, recollecting himself. "I wasn't."

"Hmm, sure." Peter opens his closet and takes out a pair of jeans. 

"Do you think you will fit my clothes?" Juno stands up and walks over to him.

"Since I'm about your height, I would say, yes." She replies, taking the jeans and shirt from him before walking inside the bathroom.

Peter stares at the ground for a second, he felt weird. Not in a way he had never felt before, no, he knows this feeling all too well. And it's eating him alive. Something in him is happy that he had met her, she is somehow a great support since she knows his identity but he can't go down this road, not again.

Meanwhile Juno is simply putting her clothes on, making sure her hair is tied together so she won't have it in her face. She looks in the mirror again, she looks tired but that's the only difference from how she would normally look. The blue in her hair has already started to fade. She should get new dye when she's home. For now she looks good enough to go into this unknown world.

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Word Count: 1144

Written: 26/12/2022

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