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Juno wakes up, her head hurts incredibly much. She feels as if she will explode. When she tries to move, she realizes she is stuck against a wall. Juno opens her eyes, the room around her looks like a laboratory with a big machine on her right and four men on her left. There are tubes connected from her arms to the machine. 

"Look, she's awake." Man number one says.

"Good, we're gonna need her conciousness." The second one replies. Juno tries to get her arms lose but the chains around her hands won't budge. Juno can't remember the last time she had been stuck like this. She always fought her enemies, never did she think she would be defeated so easily.

"What do we do when her boyfriend appears?" Number four asks, looking around. Boyfriend? Of course they are talking about Peter. There is nobody else they could've possibly meant. 

"He hasn't so far, I bet he doesn't care as much about her as everyone believes." Number two replies. He hasn't come to help her? Is he stuck somewhere? Did he just walk away... he wouldn't leave her. He must be in trouble too. Juno tries to use her powers but it's no use.

"Don't try, we got your energy right where we need it to be." Number three tells her.

"What do you want from me?" It's the only thing she could ask, the only question that mattered being answered. 

"We only want your insane power. Nothing else." Number four replies. 

"For what?"

"To destroy the government once and for all. They don't care about us, they don't care about their people. So now we're taking away their lives." Number two walks closer to her. "And you, litte girl, are gonna help us with that."

"This might destroy her, there is no way we can take all her power without her dying." Number one explains. The second one walks back to him.

"Then she won't. I don't care about her, she is simply an obstacle on our way to success." 

"Such a shame that you probably won't survive this, you're pretty." Juno could cry but she doesn't. 

"Good thing she won't die then." Peter appears out of nowhere. "Over my dead body that I will let that happen." He uses his webshooters to attack. Two of the four are swept to the floor while number three is busy with fighting Peter. 

"Now!" Number two says to the guy next to the machine. He pulls on a lever, a bright blue light erupts from Juno as a loud shrilling cry leaves her lips. The most agonizing pain she has ever felt rushes through her body.

"PETER!" It's the only name she can remember, the pain overtaking all her senses. The machine starts to fill with energy. Peter continues to fight, knocking down the remaining two men and trying his best to push the lever back up. A tear rolls down Juno's cheek as the pain keeps getting worse the longer she is attached to this machine.

"Juno, hold on." Peter begs and adds more strength to push the lever up, it's useless. Another loud scream echoes the factory, Juno closes her eyes, feeling the energy leave her body altogether. "How do I stop this machine?" Peter asks, holding guy number two in a headlock.

"You can't. She's dead." Peter shakes his head, running over to the tubes and wanting to pull them out but he is stopped by his own thoughts. She will bleed to death if you remove the tubes now. He doesn't know what to do, the screams are quieting down and he knows he doesn't have much time. The machine starts wobbling, as if it's on the edge of exploding. "It's too much power." Peter whispers, putting the pieces together. 

"No! Impossible." Guy number two says behind him.

"Hold on, Juno. It's almost over, I promise." He can't touch her, he will be electrocuted before his hands would fully touch her body. He can only wait until the machine explodes from all the power. Peter watches as number two tries to run, instead he goes after him, pulling him back inside the room and closing the door. 

The machine fills with energy until it becomes too much for it to handle and a loud explosion takes place. Peter runs over to Juno, protecting her from the shards that fly in all directions because of the metal used in the construction of the machine. 

After a couple of minutes of silence, Peter looks around. A grey mist hangs in the air and the walls are on the verge of caving in. He looks at Juno, her eyes are closed, there is a small cut on her cheek and her face is dirty but she still looks like the most beautiful creature he had ever seen. He leans in close, resting his ear over her chest. He hears a faint heartbeat and smiles.

"I'll get us out of here." He whispers, taking out the tubes and blocking the blood with his webs. He lifts her up, bridal style, and carries her through the old factory. The ground rumbles underneath them and the walls start falling down. Peter runs, shooting his webs towards a tree and swinging out of the building with Juno in his arms. "We're okay, we're alive." Peter whispers to her, taking a moment to calm his racing heart down. 

───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────

Word Count: 920

Written: 27/12/2022

A bit of a shorter chapter because a lot happened in here. I'm sorry for the lack of words in this one. :)

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