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After dinner, Juno had gone 'walking' as she called it. She is now sitting on the top of a building, looking over the city while thinking about everything. There was not a piece of her that believed Peter wouldn't follow her, she knows damn well he is standing behind her but that's beyond the point.

"You promised you were okay." His voice is soft, as if he is wary to approach, scared she would run away, but she doesn't. He steps a little closer, taking the careful approach.

"Who says I'm not okay?" Juno asks back, knowing damn well it sounds crazy. It's obvious she had been crying before.

"I do." Peter replies, finally sitting down next to her. "Want to talk about it?" 

"I was found by an orphanage when I was about one year old. They didn't know who I was or where I came from but...there was a note. Three words written on it. My name. After six months there was Stephen. He never had children, God, he has no clue what they need but he felt magic in me. He wanted me to be safe and be able to control my powers so he adopted me. That's all I know about myself." Juno explains. Peter is speechless, not sure what to say or what could make it better. "At least you have someone who can tell you stories."

"You missed out on a lot, huh?" Peter asks, looking at her. Juno shrugs.

"I watched movies and saw kids go to school and drama happening around them and I remember thinking: Why can't I be like that?" She says, looking down towards the people walking around in a busy dark city. "Then I met Steve Rogers, he was Captain America, a superhero protecting the USA."

"Sounds about right." Juno cracks a smile.

"He saved me once from my own powers. I was reckless and he calmed me down. About a year later he asked me to join his team for a fight which I did cause I owed him. We won the fight." Peter chuckles. "That's how I met the Peter Parker from my universe. He was on the opposite team."

"He was in the... what did you call it? Avengers?"

"Yes." Juno replies, smiling. "We all became one team, fighting together to get rid of a bigger threat. We lost Iron man during that fight, we all respected him very much. It probably hit Peter the hardest. I lost Steve, the guy who had faith in me and trusted me when even I didn't trust myself. I was back at square one because we all went our seperate ways. I'm used to losing people." 

"I am too." It's the first time Juno looks up at Peter tonight. He has his head hung low but she could hear the sadness in his voice. "I lost my parents, my uncle Ben and ... I lost Gwen." Juno didn't think he would ever talk about her. "And it was all because of me."

"I don't believe that." Juno tells him. "It's never our fault, Peter."

"If I went after the guy who shot my uncle immediately instead of acting arrogant, he wouldn't have been shot." Peter says, tears in his eyes. "If I simply caught Gwen, she wouldn't have died from wiplash of the web-shooters." Juno is terrible at comforting people who are crying but she reaches forward and hugs him anyways. 

"You will never know what would've happened if you did things differently, all you know is that if faith has a plan for someone, it happens. No matter who you are or how hard you try, you can't change it." 

"I feel like everyone who gets close to me, dies." That line... that sentence, it broke a piece of her heart. She knows how he feels, she's been there. And it's a very dark place. "I usually think about it a lot, I felt lonely, but... the last couple of days have been fine. I felt like I could breathe again." Peter turns his head to look at her. "And it's because of you."

"What can I say? I'm a walking sunshine." Peter smiles at her sarcastic tone. "You never have to be lonely again, Peter." She rests her head against his shoulder and in turn he rests his head against hers. Juno still has her arms wrapped around him, and rubs his arm. 

There is something inside Juno, a piece of her that hopes that Stephen won't come look for her, because she isn't losing anything in her own universe. Yet, if she leaves, she will miss Peter and May. It's almost as if this place is much more like home then home. 

"Can I tell you something?" Peter asks in a small voice.

"Tonight is the night of confessions so, yeah." Juno jokes slightly, slowly pulling away so she can look at him, but still keeping her arms around him.

"Your arm is crushing the wound on my chest." Juno gasps and pulls away.

"Oh my God, I'm so sorry, I didn't know. I forgot you were hurt--" Peter chuckles.

"It's okay, don't worry, it just... hurt a little." They look at each other.

"I am seriously so sorry." Peter smiles. "I'm a terrible person." He starts laughing at her dramatic tone. "I don't deserve to be in the presence of the all mighty spiderman." 

"Okay, shut it." She joins in on the laughter. 

"Does it hurt a lot?"

"You did a great job at stitching it, it just needs a bit of time I guess." Juno nods. "I just ruined the sad mood." Peter states. "Let's go back to crying."

"Jeez!" Juno shakes her head and looks away. 

"Promise me next time you feel like this, you tell me so we can talk about it and comfort each other, yeah?" Juno can't help but smile. She looks at Peter and nods.

"Sure, next time I'll cry in your arms."

"That's all I wanted to hear." Peter says sarcastically this time. They laugh again. "Anyways, May will be concerned if we don't at least act like we got our lives together and go to sleep early."

"Let's go back then." Juno replies, standing up and holding a hand out for Peter. He takes it and pulls himself up as well.

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Word Count: 1037

Written: 27/12/2022

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