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Peter had fought Strange and they even transported to the realm of illusions. Juno couldn't do anything to stop them. She was too caught up into having Strange's much more powerful energy. After a couple of minutes, Peter appears again while holding the cubus.

"What happened?" Ned asks, running up to his friend.

"I just had a fight with Strange and I won." Peter replies, happily. 


"Look, I stole his ring."

"That thing is dangerous, you know?" Juno asks, walking over to them, finally finding it in her to take some responsability. "It opens and shuts portals. Be careful with that."

"Then you should have it."

"No." Juno replies, immediately. "Until I know how strong these powers are, I will not touch anything magical. Hand it to someone who doesn't know magic, it would be safer." And thus Peter hands it to Ned instead.

"Anyways, I was swinging through the city, and then I went through this massive mirror thing, and then I was back--"

"Where is he?" MJ asks, looking at Peter. 

"He's trapped, but I'm not sure for how long."

"Probably a couple of hours, he's stubborn but not all-mighty. Especially after giving up some of his energy. He will come back though, and he will kill you." Juno tells Peter.

"You could've just left us to die." Octopus-man asks. "Why didn't you?"

"Cause that's not who he is." MJ replies. 

"I think I can help you guys." Peter states. "If I can fix what happened to you, then when you go back, things will be different, and you might not die fighting Spiderman." 

"What do you mean, fix us?" 

"Our technology is advanced and--

"I can help you. You know, I'm something of a scientist myself." Osborn says. "Octavius knows what I can do."

"Fix? You mean, like a dog?" Octopus-man asks. "I refuse." Juno rolls her eyes and looks at all of them.

"It's either let this kid help you or die fighting Spiderman. You choose." She says.

"You have a lot of nerve for a little girl." The lizard says, glaring at her.

"And you have a lot of nerve for a salamander trapped behind magic glass."

"I'm a lizard!"

"I know." Juno replies, smirking. "A dead one." The lizard groans. "You got killed by a guy who is about to study photography in college, what a shame."

"You're kidding me!" Max says. "Photography? Really?" Juno chuckles. "I'm in." He says, looking at Peter. "What's your plan?" 

"I have it all under control." Peter says, walking up to Juno, Ned and MJ. "What are we gonna do about this thing?" He asks, holding up the box. 

"We need to find somewhere safe for it, right?" MJ asks. 

"Yeah, you gotta take it." Peter says to her. 

"Wait what?"

"Alright, I'll take it." Juno replies, taking the cubus. "If any of them escape, call me and I'll push the damn button." Peter nods, smiling. 

"Thanks for helping, Juno." She nods. "Protect MJ and Ned for me, yeah?"

"Who will protect you?" MJ asks.

"He is Spiderman, he'll protect himself." Juno assures her. 

"And believe me, we will press the damn button." MJ says, loudly.

"We believe you, Michelle." Max says.

"No way that's his girlfriend. No way." Lizard guy replies. 

"They'll do it." Peter says, pointing at Juno and MJ. "Okay, see you guys later." He does the handshake with Ned, nods at Juno who nods back and kisses MJ. Juno follows Ned to the computer and MJ follows her. Soon, all the villains are gone with Peter. 

"I will hide the cubus, I don't trust it being anywhere near these cells." Juno says, holding the squared box.

"Where will you hide it?" Ned asks.

"The least you know, the better." Juno tells him. "I will see you guys around, if there's anything, call me and I'm on my way, got it?"

"Of course." MJ replies, smiling. Juno is walking away when she is stopped by MJ again. "Will you be okay?"

"Yeah, why?"

"I know we only really spoke once but, you seem like you need someone to talk to and I'll be listening if you want."

"That's really sweet but I'm not one to open up easily."

"Believe me, I'm not either." MJ replies. "It just looks like you've been through a lot and I want to make sure you know you got friends."

"Why are you so nice to me, MJ?"

"Because you're friends with Peter. He talks a lot about you, you know?" Juno frowns. "He told us about how you helped him in space, how you made sure he wouldn't be crushed by a car once, he also told us you called after finding out his identity was revealed. You care a lot."

"I tend to care a lot about everyone." Juno replies. "Peter is a nice kid, incredibly smart and he doesn't deserve the things that have happened to him. Sometimes I wish I could change the world with magic but unfortunately no amount of power could ever do that. Peter has hope, and he's on his way to change the city. I respect that."

"I respect you too." MJ tells her. "So, if you need someone to talk to... call me." Juno nods.

"I'll hide the box now." MJ and Ned nod at her. "See you guys around." Juno walks back upstairs and towards her room. She opens the closet and places the cubus inside, she closes the doors and watches as the closet slowly disappears until it's invisible. 

She didn't want to return to the basement, not yet at least. She would rather have a moment to herself and therefor she chooses the roof of the building where she has had her deep talk with Peter in a different universe. She knows damn well what the feeling was she had felt, despite never having felt it before. It was love.

But never did she think love would hurt this bad. Because if this is love, why does it break her down into a thousand pieces? Why does it hurt so much? If there was a small chance of her returning, she would take it immediately. 

For the first time she feels broken, shattered like the mirror she always looked inside to see a soft reflection of herself stare back at her. People always talk about love in a good way but no one ever talks about the side effects. The pain and the stinging feeling. She misses him. He probably blames himself for what happened. Oh, how she misses him.

The thing she misses most is probably his sweet chocolate brown eyes which reminded her of autumn and the leaves falling down the trees. They reminded her of the colder temperatures outside while being wrapped up inside with a blanket to keep her warm. Those soft brown eyes that reflect the mahogany wood in her room, reminding her of home. His brown eyes were like the stable ground, steady and prepared to embrace her when she fell. Those beautiful brown eyes...

She will have to miss them forever now. Luckily there is the power of memories. The good ones and the bad ones but they will always make her remember the friendly neighborhood Spiderman who jumped in the deep to help a lost girl find a home.

───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────

Word Count: 1185

Written: 27/12/2022

I got a bit emotional while reading this, I personally love brown eyes and could imagine what power they hold. :)

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