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Juno is once again thrown off but instead of clouds, she surfs on the water. She makes her way to the top and picks up Sandman's cure. 

"I got it, be ready Peter 2!" She says, appearing at the top. She clicks the button and throws it at Parker who catches it while Juno lowers the water and she jumps back onto the structure. That's one

"How do we stop him?" Bug asks, referring to Max. "I've never seen him this powerful." 

"Where is the lizard?" Juno asks back.

"Somewhere in there." Bug replies.

"I'll go save him."

"Good." She continues running down the structure, looking for the damn cure. She jumps around, hoping to find a way to move around quicker. It's only when she hears MJ and Ned scream that she teleports to the right layer. She smiles at her own actions and runs over to him. Juno uses her blue magic to prevent the lizard from continuing to run after Ned and MJ. 

"Guys! I can't hold this for long." Juno says.

"MJ!" Kid screams. She throws the cure towards him and he catches it easily. Juno lets go of the lizard who bites in the cure and makes it erupts in green gas. He transforms back into a human. Ned creates a portal which Stephen appears out from. 

"Where is he?" He grabs the cubus.

"Before you do anything, Mister-- Doctor Strange, Peter's plan is working." Ned says quickly. 

"What plan?" Strange asks.

"He's curing them."

"And it's damn hard as well." Juno comments. "How are you, Stephen?" 

"Well, I'll be damned." Stephen replies. "Did you just open a portal?" He asks Ned.

"Yeah, he can do that now." Juno explains, walking down towards where her Peter and Max are at.

"There gotta be a black spiderman somewhere." Max says.

"I don't know about a spiderman but there sure is a black Captain America." Max and Peter look up at her. "Sam is the most amazing Cap we've ever had."

"I knew it." Max says happily. "He's important?"

"Very. A very strong too." Max nods, contently. Peter smiles at her and mouths a 'thank you'. Strange suddenly appears in front of them with the cubus.

"Strange, wait, we're so close." Kid says.

"Skip it! I've been dangling over the Grand Canyon for 12 hours." 

"I know, I know, I know. I--" Strange looks at the other two Peter's. "I'm sorry about that, sir. I mean..." 

"You went to the Grand Canyon?" Parker asks.

"We could've used your help." Bug adds.

"It's okay. These are my new friends." Kid says. "This is Peter Parker, Peter Parker. Spiderman, Spiderman." 

"Shut up, he knows." Juno interrupts. "We are doing great, Stephen. Look at us working together." He smiles softly.

"I guess I should trust you more, huh?" Juno shrugs. Strange looks down at the ring in his hand and hands it over to her. 


"I think you're responsible enough to know when and where to use magic now." Stephen says, nodding at her. "You might need to create portals in the future." 

"Does this mean you're proud of me?" She asks, taking it and slipping it on.

"Juno, I--" Stephen shakes his head. "I've always been proud of you. I mean I never wanted kids because, damn you're a lot of work but... there wasn't a moment where I regretted taking you in. I'm proud of you every single day." 

Crossed the Stars - TASM Peter ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now