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Peter had fallen asleep after he was completely stitched up, Juno had let him sleep on the couch as she wouldn't have been able to get him upstairs anyways. Instead, she helps May out with dinner. 

"My universe is a bit more ahead in time." Juno explains, May caught everything up easily. It was something she hadn't expect but it was nice to know that even May said she could stay.

"I wonder what 2021 would look like." Juno smiles. "Thank you, for saving my nephew." 

"It's my job." Juno replies simply.

"I love him but, he can be so reckless sometimes. I have days where I'm not even sure whether he will come back alive or not." She admits, looking at the sleeping Peter on the couch before continuing with cooking the pork.

"It's dangerous, sure, but he knows what he is doing." 

"Tell him that when he wakes up with a stitched wound in his chest." Juno chuckles. "I'm proud of him but at the same time I'm terrified. He can't save everybody, and after Gwen..." May drifts off, the sentence no longer matters.

"What happened to her?" Juno asks, carefully, while continuing to cut the vegtables.

"Peter couldn't save her." This hits hard. She had thought he just went through a terrible break up, no, instead she died. "He didn't leave his room for two months until he realized that the city needed him back. He didn't eat, barely slept. It hurts to see him like that."

"Losing someone is always hard."

"Speaking from experience?" Juno nods. 

"I never lost anyone related to me or a boyfriend or something but... they felt like family to me." Juno admits. "They were also superheroes."

"It's a dangerous job." May says.

"It would be more dangerous if nobody was there to stop the people who cause this." 

"Just be careful out there, okay?" Juno smiles and nods. "Somebody is gonna have to wake Peter up and it isn't going to be me." Juno chuckles at May's words.

"I'm on it."

"Just tell him food is almost ready and he will be up." Juno gives May a thumbs up before squatting down in front of Peter. He sleeps the same way as this morning only now he is laying  on  his back. His mouth is once again open a little and soft snoares come out.

"Hey, Peter, wake up." She says softly, her hand moving to his fluffy sandy brown hair and gently stroking it. "Food is almost ready."

"Five more minutes." Peter mumbles back.

"It's pork." Peter's eyes open at the mention of pig and Juno chuckles at him. "How are you feeling?"

"Better. You should become a doctor." Juno takes her hand away from his hair and stands up but Peter grabs her hand and pulls her back down. "Continue, please. It felt good." Juno shakes her head and smiles.

"God, you're adorable but I promised your aunt that I would help with dinner, so, get up and come eat." She wriggles out of his grasp and walks back towards the kitchen. 

"Why do men always become such babies when they are injured?" May asks, Juno laughs, placing the plates on the table. 

"Because they are weak creatures?"

"I'm right here, you know?" Peter asks, strolling over slowly. "I can hear you."

"We know." Juno replies, making May chuckle. 

"Why do I feel like you are taking my aunt away from me?"

"Oh, hush." May says, making him sit down on the chair. "Thanks to her you're still alive, be grateful." 

A couple minutes later they are eating the very well-cooked dinner while also watching the local news. Two news reporters are interviewing the cop Juno had talked to briefly before getting Peter.

"Seems to us like Spiderman has a new sidekick."

"Sidekick?" Juno asks, sounding offended. "I'm no sidekick." 

"It's funny though." Peter comments. Juno shoots him a glare before returning her attention back to the screen.

"What can this mysterious new superhero do?" The interviewer asks, curiously.

"We're not sure yet, seems a lot like magic." 

"Magic? Are you sure?"

"Yes." The cop replies. "She could be a threat to the city. We don't know anything about her, but we assure you, it's nothing to be scared of."

"Typical." Juno mumbles. "You save them and then they act like you're the biggest villain walking around."

"They're just scared because they don't know you. Honestly those powers could be very dangerous if they were in the hands of bad people." Peter replies.

"I guess you're right. Still, they could be a bit more careful with their words." 

After dinner, Juno told May she would do the dishes which gave the woman some time to rest on the couch. Peter helps her dry the dishes which works a bit quicker than usual.

"So, what do you think of MoonShine?" 

"No. I have nothing to do with the moon." Peter had been suggesting superhero names since they started doing the dishes. 

"Alright, Nightmare." Juno rolls her eyes. "What? You said it yourself, I'm YoUr WoRsT nIgHtMaRe."

"I don't sound like that." She replies, handing him another plate.

"Fine." Peter starts drying the plate when he gasps happily and stares at her with the biggest goofiest smile she had ever seen on him. 

"Oh no, what is it?"

"What about, NightShade?" Juno must admit, it sounds cool and her blue powers do look a lot like moonlight so it only makes sense. "You must admit, it sounds cool."

"Spiderman and Nightshade?" Juno asks, it rolls off the tongue so nicely, she is almost convinced it was meant to be. 

"The new superhero duo of New York City." Peter says, smiling. "During the day, it's simply Peter and Juno."

"Two dorks living together and waiting for college to start." She agrees. 

"I must admit, this is exciting." 

"Just, don't try to die anytime soon. Nobody could handle that." Juno tells him. Peter laughs, nodding in agreement. 

"I do have one very important mission."

"Which is?"

"I will get you into college with me." 

"You can't Peter, there's no record of me ever being n school." Juno replies, a bit disappointed. "Besides, you said you will go to New York University, I bet that school is very hard to get in."

"I have a plan, don't worry." Juno shakes her head. "You trust me, right?" 

"Trust is earned, Parker." 

"Then I'll earn it." Juno looks at him and sees the same smile on his face which she had seen a couple times before. It's the I'm-gonna-do-something-incredibly-stupid-to-get-my-way-smile.

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Word Count: 1061

Written: 27/12/2022

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