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Juno is waiting with older Peter and her Peter on the structure around the statue of liberty. She is nervous for what's to come, holding onto the hand of the boy she loves. 

"Okay guys, any minute now." Young Peter announces. 

"You know, Max was, like, the sweetest guy ever before he fell into a pool of electric eels." Juno's Peter explains, rubbing the back of her hand soothingly with his thumb.

"That'll do it." Older Peter replies. "Oh, there it goes." He does weird yoga poses which look absolutely ridiculous. 

"You okay?" Juno's Peter asks, smiling.

"Yeah, what are you doing?" Juno asks back. 

"Oh, it's my back. It's kind of stiff from all the swinging, I guess." 

"Oh, yeah, no. I got a middle-back thing too."


"Yeah." Juno's Peter confirms. "You want me to crack it?" 



"That'll be great." Juno's Peter lets go of her hand and goes to crack the older spiderman's back. 

"I really need nicknames for each one of you." Juno mumbles, looking at the two in front of her.

"How about you just call me by my last name, that would be good for me." The oldest Peter tells her.

"Okay, you're Parker from now." He smiles at her. Juno looks at the young Peter. "You are still kid."

"You are two years older." Young Peter complains.

"Three." Juno corrects. "So, you're kid and..." She turns to her Peter who smirks at her.

"Yeah, let me hear it." She grins at his cockiness. 


"I expected something more romantic." Juno chuckles. 

"Fine, you are my little bug." Her Peter groans at the nickname which makes her laugh. He sits down.

"This is so cool. I always wanted brothers." Bug says. He looks back at Parker. "So you, like, make your own web fluid in your body?" 

"I'd rather not talk about this."

"No, I don't mean to--"

"But are you teasing me?" Parker asks, sounding offended. 

"No, no, no. No, he's not teasing you." Kid replies from the head of the statue. "It's just, that we can't do that, so naturally we're curious as to how your web situation works, that's all." 

"If it's personal, I don't wanna pry, but I think it's cool." Bug says. 

"I--I wish I could tell you, but it's, like, I don't do it." Parker replies. "Like I don't do breathing. Like, breathing just happens." 

"Like, does it just come out of your wrists, or does it come out from anywhere else?" Kid asks.

"Nope, don't need to know that much information." Juno says, looking away.

"Only-- only the wrists."

"Aren't you all supposed to do this anyways? Like, you are spiders, right? Spiders make webs." Juno asks, confusedly.

"We literally make them." Bug tells her.

"Not with... you know what? Drop the subject." She replies, shaking her head. 

"So, you never had a web-block?" Bug asks, looking at Parker. "I run out of webs all the time. I had to make my own in a lab."

"Right. That's--"

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