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Juno flies down towards the empty street where the alien creature is destroying a parking lot. Spiderman arrives too and lands on the wall next to her.

"What's the plan?" He asks.

"Since it doesn't like fire, I need you to distract it so I can attack." 

"Got it." Spiderman jumps off and swings towards the creature. It's a big white dinosaur-like creature with big paws. In any other circumstance, Juno would've found it cute, but not now. 

She watches as it tries to destroy Peter, realizing that now is the right moment to attack. She gathers her powers together and creates fireballs, firing them off towards the alien. When it hits the white skin, it burns through, masking it black. The creature cries out loudly and very highpitched. Juno covers her ears, feeling as if her ears are going to bleed. 

While she is distracted, the creature moves towards her, using boiling water to hit her. She falls to the ground, her skin burning and aching badly. Spiderman is the one to attack the creature next, using his webs to try and trap it but it's no use. The creature is simply way too strong. Juno closes her eyes, letting the energy heal the wounds on her body before she stands up again. 

The alien is right in front of her, looking down at the girl with an angry gaze. Another wave of water erupts from it's mouth but Juno shields herself with her powers before it can hit her. Realizing the water doesn't hurt her, the alien turns so it's faced with Peter instead. Juno rushes over, watching as the water almost tackles him down but she jumps over, when her fingers touch his arm, she teleports and both of them end up on the oposite side of the alien. 

"Whoa!" Peter breathes out. 

"I have the teleport thing under control now." Juno explains, opening a portal with the ring she had gotten back from Strange and using fire to back the creature up until it's sucked into the portal. "Want to fight it in the world of illusions?" She asks.

"Hell yeah." Peter replies, both of them jumping inside and she closes the portal behind her.

"No innocent people can get hurt here, but watch out, things can get crazy." She warns.

"I sure will." The two of them look around the black seemingly endless space they're in. The white alien suddenly pops out of nowhere, Juno nods at Peter who gets the hint and shoots webs towards it. Instead of the usually thin line, it's about twenty times as thick and wraps around the creature easily. "Cool!"

Juno casts a spell, the ground underneath the creature disappears into an endless void of blue. Flames surround the alien, making it unable to escape. Peter creates bars with his webs, making sure the alien is trapped in a make-shift cell. 

"Is it able to get out?" Peter asks once he's done with the webs.

"Maybe but he will never leave this world, so no worries." Peter nods, looking at her. 

"What about us? This place is spacey." Juno chuckles, opening another portal and grabbing his hand. 

"We just walk back." They go through the portal and end up on the parkinglot where suddenly a bunch of cameras and reporters are at. Juno closes the portal and turns her back towards the paparazzi. 

"Let's get out of here." Peter suggests, lifting her up, she wraps her legs around his waist and holds onto him tightly before he uses his webs to swing them away. 

"This will never not be cool." Juno says, happily. They land near the skate-park where they hung out at sometimes. Peter quickly makes sure he is wearing different clothes while Juno uses her magic to return to the outfit she wore previously. 

"You know, I never thought that fighting in a team would be so much fun." Peter says as they walk to the romps. 

"It's quite something." 

"Those people, your parents... are they, like, real?" Juno shrugs, looking at him.

"I should probably talk to them." He nods. "I see you tomorrow?" 

"In school." Peter confirms. She smiles and leans up to press a kiss to his lips before returning home. Once she enters, she sees her mom crochetting on the couch and her dad reading the news paper at the dinner table. 

"How was your day?" Her mom asks, Juno walks over to her and grabs her attention.

"Who are you guys?" The woman frowns, before smiling. 

"We're your parents." She replies.

"I don't have parents." Juno replies. "I was taken into an orphanage at the age of one--" The words die on her tongue when she watches her 'mom' create a flame of orange smoke. 

"When you were born, we knew you would be a sorceress." She explains. "I am your biological mother, Juno." It feels weird, random even. "When you were one, you accidentally travelled between universes. I didn't even know that was possible. For years I tried to get you back but it became clear that my powers aren't even half as strong as yours. I only managed to open a portal which you had come through a couple months ago."

"What?" Juno asks, confused.

"When I saw a new superhero on the news," Her father says, entering the conversation. "We knew the portal worked. But before we could reach you, you were gone again."

"Then we met a man, he called himself Dr. Strange. He said he had raised you, thought you how to control your powers. He agreed on sending you back to us, but your memory would be gone so, I wrote down a spell, hoping you would figure it out yourself. And you did." Her mother ends.

"So, I'm home?"

"Yes, honey." Her mom smiles. "You're home. And in trouble."

"I'm sorry for fighting the alien and saving the city." Juno says, confusedly.

"Oh, no, we saw that. We're proud of you for that." Her father replies. "We mean the fact that you hid a boy in your room." Juno's eyes widen.

"When did I do that?" She asks as if she doesn't know.

"Yesterday... and right now." Her mom replies. Right when Juno wants to ask what she meant, she hears stuff fall in her room, knowing Peter must've snuck in. 

"Right, if you excuse me." Her parents nod, she walks to her room and opens the door seeing Peter try to clean the floor of the mess he created. "Peter? What the hell are you doing?"

"Making sure you're okay." Juno's mom suddenly stands next to her, looking at him.

"At least he's cute." Juno chuckles. "But we do have a front door, just so you know." The woman states and walks away. 

"I take it that that really is your mother?"

"Oh, yeah. Don't make her angry, she has the magic powers too." Juno replies, smiling at his wide eyes. 

"I wasn't planning on ever angrying her anyways." Peter puts the last couple of things back on the shelf. "I love you." Juno laughs and walks over to him.

"I love you too, Parker."

───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────

Word Count: 1172

Written: 29/12/2022

This is the end, I hope you all enjoyed it!

Thank you for reading. :)

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