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Juno had survived the first week of college, still no memory of anything that had happened before she entered school. It almost felt like she was simply spawned into the world like an MPC of a game and send out to do what everyone else is doing. She had been thinking a lot however, constantly staring at the Parker boy but keeping her distance as he still creeps her out. 

She had decided to take a walk through the neighborhood as she is still trying to figure everything out. It's a big and beautiful city but there is simply too much concrete for her liking. Probably why Central Park is so popular. 

She has her hands in her pockets as she strolls through the streets of the busy and crowded city, her mind is all over the place but she tries to put her thoughts aside. Juno knew better than to dwell on her feelings for too long. Now is not the time for worrying, now is the time to let everything out.

A sudden scream takes her out of her thoughts, a couple of men, maybe four or five, holding guns and pointing them to a couple. Juno wants to interfere but she knows she will die if she does. She doesn't even know how she stumbled across this scene in the first place, she was mindlessly wandering until she ended up in an alley with four psychos and a couple.

"You!" One of the armed men screams, moving his aim until it's on Juno. "Don't you dare move!" Her body is officially frozen in fear. What is she supposed to do

"Please, let us go." The woman begs, holding onto her boyfriend or maybe he's her husband. The gun that was aimed on the woman is fired, a scream escapes her before she falls to the ground. Juno gasps, backing away until her back is against the wall. 

"What do we do with this one?" One of the men ask, nodding towards Juno.

"The same as we will do to him." One of the others answers before shooting the man. A figure however lands in front of her, he is tall and wears a red and blue suit. Spiderman

"Leave the girl alone."

"Does the spider have a girlfriend?" One of the men ask. Spiderman aims for the weapons with his webs and starts fighting. Juno is still unable to move, even when the sirens fill her ears and the copcars arrive to the scene. Spiderman stands in front of her and sees her tear-filled eyes. 

"Hey, are you okay?" She recognizes that voice, but it's different as everything else. She knows exactly who had said those words to her because only an hour prior she had heard Peter Parker, the weird boy who sits next to her, answer a question in class. He has the same voice. "Juno?"

"Thank you, for protecting me, Parker." Silence. She knows she is right, it isn't hard to find out. He has the same height and body-type as Peter Parker and the voice adds up as well. Besides, how else would this guy know her name?

"I will always protect you." 

"Why would you do that?" She asks back, staying in her position, not even trying to move away this time.

"Because you mean a lot to me, and once upon a time I meant a lot to you too." Peter replies, softly.

"Did I say that?"

"No, but I could feel it." Juno nods, not sure if there is anything else to say. She got her answer, he really is the weird boy in her class and it doesn't even surprise her. It's as if she had always known. "Any memory back?"

"No." She answers simply. "But things are starting to make sense now." 

"Do you at least believe me?" Juno shrugs at his question, not sure what she is supposed to answer to that.

"I believe there is more to connect but I'm not there yet." Spiderman nods softly. "Can you at least take off your mask so I can talk to a face rather than a red cover-up?" He looks around and figures that the alley is dark enough to not be able to see him. He reaches up and pulls the spider-mask from his head. His sandy-brown hair is messy and all over the place, his kind brown eyes stare down at hers and he has a shadow of a smile on his lips.

"Better?" Juno can't help but smile back at the handsome stranger.

"Yes. Thank you." There is something... a feeling. A very nice and familiar feeling in her chest... deep underneath all the darkness there is a light beginning to shine and she knows it's because of him. Because of the way he stares at her with those loving soft eyes of his. 

"Earth to Juno." She blinks and shakes her head, confused as to what is going on. "I asked if I have to take you home, it's late." 

"Right... uh... sure." Peter raises an eyebrow, looking her up and down.

"Are you sure you're okay? You look a little distraught." 

"Yes, I'm sure." Peter grins at her and she feels the comment going her way before he had even said it.

"You were so enchanted by my charms that you forgot to pay attention to me, Miss Mathews." 

"I was not." She replies. "In fact, I was just thinking about how dangerous it is to walk home with someone I had just met a week ago."

"Yes, very dangerous unless you did that exact thing the same evening we met for the very first time. Causiousness is definitely not one of your stronger points." 

"Just walk me home, Goddamnit." Peter chuckles, opening his bag and taking out a shirt and a pair of jeans. 

"Nobody can know I am Spiderman." He explains.

"Right, as if it's that hard to piece it together." Juno replies, shaking her head. When his suit is covered with a normal outfit, they start walking back towards the apartment she lives in. "Peter?" 


"Thank you for saving my life tonight." He smiles to himself while looking at the ground.

"I already told you--"

"I know but... it's pretty cool. You are pretty cool." He looks at her to find she was already looking at him. She gives him a small smile and focuses her attention back to the street. She has his heart breaking in so many small pieces even though she has no idea she is doing it.

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Word Count: 1076

Written: 28/12/2022

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