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Getting to the skate park was easy, luckily it's close to where Peter lives and May was already gone so she could go through the front door. She is now standing in front of the skateboard, a little hesistant to actually get on.

"If you fall, I'll catch you. I have great reflexes." It's early and there's no one else around to laugh if she would face plant anyways so, why not?


"Hold my hands." Peter suggests, holding them out. She smiles at him and places her palms in his. Juno steps onto the skateboard slowly, making sure she keeps her balance. It feels a lot harder then it looks when other people do it. "There you go, you're standing."

"A bit wobbly but, yeah." He smiles at her with a mischievous grin. "Don't you dare, Parker." He starts walking, pulling her and the skateboard along. "Parker." She warns. Peter chuckles and speeds up. 

"Look, you're skating." Juno loses balance and falls back, closing her eyes and waiting to hit the ground but instead she feels two strong arms wrap around her. "I told you I would catch you." She opens her eyes and glares at him.

"If only it wasn't your fault I was falling in the first place." 

"I don't know what you're talking about, Mathews." She unconciously smiles at his usage of her last name and steps away from his embrace. Peter suddenly freezes, his head snapping to the left. 

"Your tingle is tingeling, isn't it?"

"It's not a tingle, Juno."

"My Peter used to call it a tingle." She defends, looking around. 

"I gotta go."

"We're a team, remember?" Peter looks at her and smiles. "I'm coming with." Peter starts removing his shirt, his spiderman suit already underneath.

"You're gonna fight looking like that?" He asks, pulling down his pants as well. Juno looks away even if he is wearing his suit underneath, it feels weird. She lifts her arms, blue smoke erupting from her palms, she quickly pulls her arms down, her outfit transitioning in her usual hero outfit. Peter stares at her in shock. (Examples of her outfit on the bottom of the page)

She is wearing a navy blue corset-looking top with gloves reaching higher than her elbows and revealing her fingertips. She has grey leggins on and the corset has a cape reaching her knees. On top of that, she wears black boots. She just looks so good.

"What?" Juno asks, smirking. "I don't wear my suit underneath my clothes if that's what you were wondering." Peter shakes his head, quickly pulling his mask over his head.

"Do you have a mask or can everyone know who you are?" 

"Hmm, good point." Juno uses her magic and creates a black mask to cover her mouth and nose. "In 2021, where I come from, we use these a lot."


"Believe me, you don't want the answer to that." Juno replies, following Peter through the city. She can't swing but she can use her powers to travel on clouds, she has done that way too often. 

Peter however doesn't know this and settles on wrapping an arm around her and swinging to the top of a building. She holds onto him tightly, closing her eyes in the process. They land on the side of a very tall building.

"Don't be scared, I got you."

"Easy for you to say, you're the sticky one." Juno uses her magic powers and creates a cloud which she jumps onto.

"You didn't tell me you could do that."

"You didn't ask." Peter rolls his eyes even though she can't see it. They look over the city.

Crossed the Stars - TASM Peter ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now