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After God knows how long, Juno saw a huge explosion in the distance and she knew Peter needed her help so she pushed all her feelings back inside and went over towards the building she saw him be at. But first she went to get the box, if anything goes wrong, she will press the button and everything will be back to normal... how normal it can be. Juno hides behind a wall, making sure not to be spotted as for now she has no idea who the other people were around him.

"Sorry, about May." One of them says, Juno didn't know Peter had lost his aunt all of a sudden. It felt weird knowing she's gone and out of his life. 

"Yeah, sorry." A more familiar voice adds but she can't place where she had heard it before. "I got some understanding of what it is you're--"

"No, please don't tell me that you know what I'm going through." Peter says, Juno holds herself against the wall, it sounds like these people aren't hostile. "She's gone. And it's all my fault." Yep, she's heard that before. "She died for nothing. So I'll do what I should have done in the first place."


"Please don't." Peter replies. "You don't belong here. EIther of you. So I'm gonna send you home. All those other guys are from your worlds, right. So you deal with it. Where is the box?" She smirks looking down at the cubus in her hand. "I'm really sorry that I dragged you into this. But you have to go home now." Only now do his words sink in. Their world

"My uncle Ben was killed." One of the new guys says. Juno looks over the wall, seeing two figures but the dark doesn't give her a chance to really check them out. "It was my fault."

"I lost..." The other one begins and for a moment the world stops. "I lost Gwen, my... uh, she was my MJ, at least I thought. 'Cause then I met, this girl... I couldn't save either of them. And now I'm living with the fact that I lost... I lost my Juno." The moment her name falls from his lips she climbs up, looking at them.

"Peter?" All of them look her way but only one of their eyes light up.

"J--Juno?" She starts running, feeling her legs simply carrying her to him. She pushes the cubus into MJ's hands and continues until she is lifted from the ground in Peter's... her Peter's embrace. "They told you had died." 

"I'm right here, I'm alive." He hides his face in the crook of her neck, snuggling closer to her. 

"I lost you, I'm sorry--"

"It wasn't your fault. You did everything you could, got it?" Her Peter nods and they pull away, Juno smirks through the tears. "Welcome to my universe." Her Peter chuckles.

"So, can anyone explain?" The guy next to them asks. 

"No, it wouldn't make sense anyways." Juno's Peter replies, smiling. 

"I just... I want to kill him." Peter from this universe says. "I want to tear him apart for what he did to May. I can still hear her voice in my head. Even after she was hurt, she said to me that we did the right thing. She told me that with great power..."

"Comes great responsability." The Peter next to Juno finishes. 

"Wait, what? How do you know that?" Peter-from-this-universe asks.

"Uncle Ben said it." Juno's Peter replies. 

"The day he died." The guy next to her adds. "Maybe she didn't die for nothing, Peter." 

"So, we're gonna do what we do best?" Juno's Peter asks. "Save everyone?" The other two agree. 

"Oh, Juno, hold the box for us." MJ says, handing it to her. 

"Got it." She turns to face her Peter and smiles at him. 

"They told me you died." He says softly. "The doctors said you didn't make it. I was angry at myself." Juno shakes her head. "I heard your screams, and they still haunted me."

"Peter when was this?" Juno asks back.

"In August, a couple months ago."

"Months? I just woke up here." Peter shakes his head, looking down.

"Time went on for me. I started college but I didn't pay attention once." He hugs her again. "I'm just glad to be able to hold you again." Juno hugs him back. 

"Guys, not to ruin the moment but we should probably... start." Peter-from-this-universe says.

"Right." They pull away and follow them down to the lab. 

"Okay, so Connors, Marko, Dillon and... uh... look, I think I can repair the devices for Dillon and Marko. But the others..." Peter-from-this-universe says. 

"Oh, I got Connors. I've cured him once, so no big deal." Juno's Peter replies, picking it up. "What, it's no big deal."

"Great." The oldest Peter says.

"Yeah, that's great."

"You guys are so awkward." Juno comments. "Get over yourselves."

"I mean, have you ever seen two other versions of yourself?" Oldest Peter asks back.

"No, but I've seen enough to compare." Juno replies. 

"I think I can make an antiserum for Dr. Osborn." Oldest Peter comments. "Been thinking about it for a long time. Gotta cure all of them. Right?" 

"Right." Youngest Peter replies, bitterly. 

"Hey." Juno says, standing in front of Ned. "I need someone to practice my powers with and you look like the kind of guy to be able to handle that."

"What?" Ned asks, a bit scared.

"It's not gonna hurt, I just need you to hold on to the cubus." 

"Oh, right." He takes the box from her and smiles kindly. Juno walks to the front of the room and starts creating a slight wind out of the palms of her hands. 

"Whoa!" Oldest Peter says, staring at her. "How do you do that?"

"She was born with magic." Youngest Peter explains.

"You're a witch?" Oldest Peter asks, fascinated.

"A sorceress." Juno's Peter replies. "She doesn't like being called a witch." Juno smiles at him, he smiles back.

"The powers are still blue, that's a relief." Juno mumbles to herself. "Time for me to become responsible enough to use them." She walks over to her Peter to see if she can help, immediately two tubes are being pushed into her hands. Ned rolls over on his chair.

"So... do you have a best friend too?" He asks the oldest one.

"I did." He replies. 

"You did?" Ned asks back.

"He died in my arms." Oldest Peter explains. "After he tried to kill me. It was heartbreaking." 

"Dude." Ned breathes out, looking at Juno's Peter before back at his own best friend.

"You're just a lone wolf, huh?" Juno asks her Peter.

"It's better than almost being killed by your best friend." He replies.

"I heard it, by the way." Juno says, handing him the tubes back. "What you said in the hospital." She can see Peter's eyes widen in realization. "I might've been in a coma but I heard every single word." He looks down at her, his cheeks turn a rosy color. "It was cute."

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Word Count: 1155

Written: 28/12/2022

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