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Juno wakes up in a bed. The room around her so familiar but so foreighn at the same time. She sits up and looks at the dark pink blanket covering half her body, she sees the blue curtains and the fairylights on the wall. So damn familiar.

"Juno! You're gonna be late for school!" She frowns, the voice is also very familiar and before she can even register what she thinks, she is replying.

"I'm up, mom!" It sounds weird but also not. Juno shakes the weird feeling off and walks towards her bathroom. She gets ready and walks downstairs to where a blonde woman is standing. "Good morning."

"Good morning to you too, honey." It feels weird but she doesn't know why. Juno eats some cereal for breakfast before taking her navy blue backpack and leaving the house. She takes the bus towards the NY University. Juno doesn't know why but she knows exactly where to go.

She steps into the school at exactly 8.00 A.M. It's busy and crowded, many students are pushing each other to get to their classes or maybe they just like annoying each other. Juno keeps her head low as she walks through the school, again, it's like her feet know where to go. She stops when she has entered a classroom. Many students are already filling it up, chatting loudly with one another. Someone bumps into her, she stumbles but catches her balance. 

"I'm so sorry..." The boy stops apologizing when he meets her eyes. Juno smiles softly, the dark brown eyes of the boy so familiar to her yet she has no clue where she had seen them before.

"Do I know you?" She asks, the confused expression on his face tells her she might've made a mistake asking. Before she can apologize, he shakes his head.

"Probably not." He replies but the tone in his voice sounds slightly disappointed. "I'm Peter, Peter--"

"Parker!" The man who must be their professor says loudly. "Since you and our new student Miss Mathews are already talking, you probably also wouldn't mind to sit next to her and show her around later on, right?"

"No, I'll do it." Juno smiles appreciatively at him before following Peter Parker to the back of the classroom. During the first lecture, she can't shake the feeling off of her. She knows him, his eyes, his hair, his name. It's like it's right there but she's unable to reach the memory.

When the first two hours of listening to the professor talk is over, everyone leaves the classroom but Juno stops the very familiar and attractive boy. He looks at her expectedly, as if she will now admit that she remembers him and was simply joking before, but she doesn't.

"I'm Juno Mae Mathews by the way. Thank you for guiding me today." Peter nods softly, another wave of disappointment washing over him. He figures the spell must've hit her too. She has no idea who he is anymore. 

"Of course, no worries." She nods, watching him leave the classroom. After gathering her thoughts, she follows, making her way through the hallways of the school and towards another classroom. 

The day went on very slowly, she didn't have many similar classes with Peter, instead he took a course in photography while she studies literature. It's a fair difference honestly. Still, during the day she had the same lingering feeling, a feeling that tells her that she doesn't belong. 

"Where did you come from?"

"Uhm, I came from..." Juno frowns when she realizes that she has no clue. Before today, there is no memory in her brain. Weird.

"So you know Spiderman?"


"The local superhero, spiderman?" Peter asks again. Juno shakes her head, even if she is sure she had heard that name before. "I know you're lying. I know you know me, I know you recognize me."

"You're wrong, Peter. I have never seen you until today."

"Something tells you, deep inside, that you do know me." Juno knows he is right but she decides to trust her insticts. 

"I'm afraid I do not."

"What languages do you speak?"

"Why?" Juno asks back, confused at this random question.

"Just answer it."

"I speak German, English, Dutch, French and--"

"Spanish? Correct?" Juno nods softly. "You're favorite color is blue, right?" 


"You rewatch the Hunger Games like once a month because you love it so much and you like orchids, especially the blue ones."

"How do you know so much about me?"

"Because you were the one telling me all of this." Juno shakes her head and starts backing off.

"Impossible. Just... leave me alone." She says before walking away quickly. She doesn't know why or how he knows so much about her but it's creepy and sure as hell weird. Juno doesn't once stop to look back, simply stepping inside of the bus and going straight home. 

"How was school today, honey?"

"Good." And without another word, she walks to her room and shuts the door. What is happening to her? How did she end up here without memories? Juno looks around and frowns when her eyes land on a blue suit, it looks like it comes straight out of a superhero movie. She is pulled towards it like a magnet. Her hands stroke the soft material of the costume until she reaches inside the pocket and feels a piece of paper. She takes it out and folds it open.

There, on the white paper is written one word, still she doesn't know what it means. Her brain grasps to anything that could have to do with this but she finds nothing, she is confused and exhausted but most importantly, she has severe memory loss and she fucking knows it. Every single thing is so familiar yet so foreighn, she reads the word over and over again but simply doesn't understand.


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Word Count: 967

Written: 28/12/2022

Trust the process, everyone, trust the process. :)

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