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Memorium... Memorium... The Sanctum... Juno had been trying to figure out what the word meant for the past days but new words constantly popped in her mind the more she read the piece of paper in her head. What is the Sanctum?

"Honey! We're going out." And who are those people? Juno knows how easy she calls them mom and dad but she is not sure if she even believes that. Everything is just weird.

"Have fun." She replies, smiling at the couple in front of her. 

"Are you sure you will be fine alone?" Her dad asks, Juno nods assuringly. She had compared herself to them a lot since she woke up that day with severe memory loss and well, they do look like herself. Many features of theirs are similar to hers, so it could be right. "Stay inside, yeah?"

"Don't worry, I'm not going anywhere." The man and woman walk outside, leaving the apartment and going on their date. Juno stares at the wall for a minute before standing up and going to her room. She has gotten some stuff to study for the upcoming winter exams. It's almost December which means Christmas. 

Whenever Juno tries to remember what her previous Christmasses looked like, she is met with nothing. Did she never celebrate it before? Then how come she's so excited for it? So many questions yet no answers. It drives her crazy. She opens her books and sits down on her bed, studying feels new, even if she had gone to school before... right?

The music on the background makes the process of studying a lot easier and more fun. She vibes along to the Chase Atlantic songs while reading over her notes. A sudden knock on her window makes her frown and look up. Her eyes fall on Peter. Juno stands up and walks over, opening the window and smiling softly.

"What are you doing here, Parker?" It's only now that she realizes the many cuts and bruises on his face and the red and blue spiderman suit he is still wearing. "Oh my God, what happened?"

"Lost a fight." He breathes out. Juno pulls him inside and closes the window so the cold air stays outside. He has cuts over his arms and chest. "I'm fine."

"You don't look fine." Peter shrugs innocently. Juno makes him sit down on the small seat in her room. "Remove the suit so I can take care of those wounds."

"You don't have to be a nurse, I didn't come here for you to help me, I just... wanted to see you." The angriness she possessed is gone now, replaced with a feeling of relief that he is alive at least.

"And I want to help you, do as I say." Peter nods. Juno walks throughout the entire apartment, collecting anything that could help the injured boy in her room. When she has the necesseties, she returns to him. For a moment she stops, as if she's surprised to see him shirtless even though she told him to reveal the wounds. He is kinda hot.

"Is it bad?" His question snaps her out of her thoughts, a soft blush paints her cheeks.

"No... well--" She looks at the cuts, it pains her to see how badly he got injured. "Yeah, it's bad." She walks over, putting down everything and sitting down in front of him. "This might sting." She warns, putting ointment on a cotton whool and moving it over the wound carefully. Peter tenses a little, closing his eyes while a hiss escapes his mouth. "Sorry."

"Don't apologize, you're trying to help." Juno continues to clean out of each cut, bandaging him until everything is taken care of. She puts the used cotton whools in the trash can next to her and returns her gaze to see big brown puppy-dog eyes stare at her. "Thank you." She smiles unconciously.

"Don't worry about it." Peter smiles weakly at her. "How did it happen anyway?" 

"Long story." Juno nods to sign for him to continue. And when he talks again, her eyes are fixated on those pretty pink lips of his. "I should be more careful what I wish for because there's this weird white alien creature trying to kill people. I tried to stop him but he is much stronger than I thought he would be..." His words die down, his own gaze falling to her lips. The song 'friends' from Chase Atlantic plays from the speaker. 

For a moment the time stops before Peter leans forward and presses his lips to hers in an almost desperate kiss. Juno doesn't pull back, enjoying the feeling of his lips on hers. She places her hands on his shoulders when he bites her bottom lip softly, she gasps and he takes this oportunity to deepen the kiss as his hands hold onto her waist. Juno's mind has gone blank and her stomach tingles slightly, a nice tingle. It's only when she replaces her hand from his shoulder to his chest that he pulls back, hissing.

"Oh, sorry." She says, quickly taking away her hand from the bandaged wound. Peter chuckles.

"Don't worry about it, you're good, we're... good." The realization of what had just happened hits her like a truck, her cheeks glowing pink. Peter smirks. "No need to get shy now, princess." The weird stomach tingle is back... she likes this.

"Stop that." Juno replies, trying to hide her feelings behind a transparant wall. 

"I think we both know, you don't want me to stop that." Oh, he's bold. "I even think you enjoyed that kiss more than me." 

"That's what you call a kiss?" Juno asks back. "It was a whole make out session." 

"Wanna do it again?" His voice has dropped a couple octaves, her stomach almost explodes with butterflies and it's now she knows exactly what that feeling is.



She has fallen in love with Peter Parker. 

Her eyes find his dark ones, he somehow looks a lot hotter with his lips busted from the kiss and the hungry gaze in his eyes. Juno nods to answer his previous question, wanting nothing more than to feel him close again. Before she knows it, she has pressed her lips against his again, making sure her hands don't cross his wounds again because this time, she doesn't want it to end.

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Word Count: 1050

Written: 29/12/2022

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