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It's been about two weeks since Juno stranded in this weird universe. Two weeks of laughter and jokes and two weeks of fun with the Spider-boy she had become great friends with. Juno walks down the stairs in another one of Peter's outfits which she has grown to love more than her own. Peter is still asleep but she was hunrgy so she decided to come by herself.

"Juno dear, there is a letter for you." She frowns and takes the envelope from May. Her eyes scan the letters written on it. New York University. This is probably one of those rejection letters. She opens it and takes out the letter.

Dear Juno,

Congratulations! I am delighted to inform you that you that you have been selected for admissions to the AA in liberal Arts program at the New York University School of Professional Studies (NYU SPS) Division of Applied Undergraduate Studies of Fall 2014.

Juno had never felt like this. She is frozen in her place with the letter tight in her hand. She might even be shaking a little. She had never expected Peter's plan to work but it did and now she is accepted to college. She mentally thanks all the Gods who have helped with this.

"Good morning." Peter says, finally woken up enough to walk downstairs. He walks past Juno and frowns when she doesn't say anything back. "What's up with her?" He asks May.

"She got a letter and has been staring at it for the past five minutes." 

"Juno?" Peter asks, raising his brow.

"I got accepted." She replies, looking at him. "I got accepted to New York University." Peter's face breaks out in a huge smile. He immediately hugs her and lifts her while turning in circles. 

"YES! I knew you would make it!" Peter says happily. "You're going to college." He places her down. "I'm going to college. We're both going to college!" Juno laughs at his enthiusiasm.

"Thank you, I can never thank you enough."

"You don't have to. I'm happy! 

"Congratulations, Juno." May says, smiling. "I'm so proud of you both." Juno had not often been told someone is proud of her. The only person who would ever tell her this is Stephen, and he also told her she could do way better. This is genuinly just the happiest moment of her life. 

That evening she's outside with Peter, chilling at the once again empty skate park. She hadn't been able to completely calm down. She is just so happy about all of this. Juno watches Peter skate, knowing in a couple of weeks she will be in college with him. They have some similar classes but it will be a whole new experience. 

"Zoning out, are we?" Peter asks her. She snaps out of her thoughts and hums. "Thinking about college?"

"Yeah." Juno replies. "I'm excited. I just hope I can keep up."

"Of course, and if you struggle with something, I'll help."

"Okay. Sounds good." He continues skating while new thoughts appear in Juno's head as she watches him. Peter Parker. She hadn't ever felt this way before, it was like everything goes easy with him. There really hasn't been any problems so far, even talking is extremely easy with Peter. She didn't know what it meant but she sure liked the feeling.

Peter stops again, his body language giving away that he has felt something. Juno stands up from the ground and rubs off the dirt from her clothes.

"What is it?" Peter shrugs, taking his shirt off and revealing his spiderman suit. 

"Let's check it out." Juno nods and transforms her outfit into her own suit. "Man, I wish I could do that. I have to take it on and off." Peter whines. Juno shakes her head, smiling. When Peter is completely dressed in the suit and has his mask on, he wraps his arm around her waist and shoots his webs which makes them both swing up.

"You know I can surf on clouds, right?"

"I know, yeah. I just like holding you." There is the feeling again. The nice feeling that appears every time Peter comes a little too close or says something like this to her. He sticks to a building and looks around.

"It's another one of those trucks with nuclear weapons." Juno comments, pointing down at it. In the past two weeks, they had stopped four of them and now there is a fifth one.

"Will it ever stop?"

"Maybe we should follow it instead of stopping it this time." Peter nods and agrees to that plan rather than what they have been doing up until now.

"Hold on tight." Juno has her arms around Peter's neck and her legs around his waist so she will be fine. He swings from building to building, trying to stay in the shadows so the truck won't see them. They follow it outside of the city until they reach an old abandoned factory. "Interesting."

"You can put me down now, Peter." Juno says when they reach the ground.

"Oh yeah." He lets go of her and smiles cheekily at her. Juno rolls her eyes and hides behind a wall, watching four men transport the weapons to the inside of the factory. "What do you think they are doing with those?"

"Probably bad things." It reminds Juno a little of Hydra. She had been there once before to help Steve and Bucky but this isn't the same thing. They are not even in the right universe for that.

"Let's head inside." Before Juno can protest, Peter had already sneaked his way to the gate. She decides to take another route in and climbs over it while Peter crawls underneath the fence. "You go that way, I go this way." Juno nods, seperating from him and walking inside. 

It's a rather dark building, not much to say about it. Just an old factory that's not being used anymore. Juno feels a bit weird about this place. They really have no idea about anything. There could be four people or four hundred. For all they know, there is something big around the corner. 

Juno stops when she hears voices, she presses her back against the wall to make sure she won't be seen while also being able to listen.

"What do we do if it doesn't work?" Guy number one asks. 

"We have seen her, of course it will work. She has the power to provide this entire city of energy." Guy number two replies.

"And what if she doesn't show up?" Number three asks back.

"She will." Two replies again. "Even better, she's already here." Juno's surroundings suddenly turn black, she is completely knocked out when she hits the cold floor.

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Word Count: 1103

Written: 27/12/2022

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