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I walked into the building,

the metal door slamming shut as it closed,

as I looked around I eventually was able to find the other Jomies,

I had missed them the whole summer,

especially Liam.

I have always felt weird for Liam,

I don't really know what that feeling is,

but I have felt it since we first met,

I never felt that way for any of my other friends,

I don't know why this is different.

I walked over to the other Jomies,

"Henry!" Liam said,

he rushed over to me and gave me a hug,

"Finally you're here, me and Jake wanted to tell you guys something." Drew said,

"What is it?" Liam asked,

"Well over the summer me and Zoey broke up, she told me that she loved someone else..." He said,

"And?" Liam asked,

"I'd tell you if you stopped INTERRUPTING ME!" Drew said,

"Okay fine, what is it?" Liam inquired,

"Well me and Jake started dating..." He said,


I snickered,

"Aw come on, it won't be THAT bad." Jake said,

"THAT'S WHAT YOU'RE SAYING NOW!" Liam continued,

I felt that feeling again,

like usual,

it always confused me,

I don't know what it means and I can't find anything when I try to look it up,

and I hate the way it feels,

My heart beats faster,

I feel like i'm on fire,

I feel like a million bees have stung me all at the same time,

but it also feels kind of...nice.

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