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I opened my eyes to see Liam shaking me awake,

"Henryyyyyyyyyyyyyyy! We have to get ready for school!" Liam told me,

"5 more minutes..." I argued,

"Nooo Henry we're gonna get detention if we're late again!" He continued,

"Fiiiinnnneeee..." I said as I got up,

soon I got my clothes on and we headed to school.

We arrived at  school to see Drew waving at us,

er- well, Liam,

I looked at him,

Liam looked furious,

"What the heck is wrong with you Drew!?" Liam exclaimed,

"Woah Woah Woah! What did I do!?" He said,

at this point more people started looking at us,

"You know what you did Drew! You only became friends with Henry because you knew I wouldn't join unless he did! You've had us rapped around your little finger for too long and yeah, Zoey and Lia were right to leave! You even manipulated Jake to date you because you knew that would make you more popular!" Liam yelled,

"Wh-What are you talking about Liam? I did none of that!" Drew lied,

"Oh really? I heard your little phone call with Jake that night, and I really thought you cared enough to be my friend!" I retaliated,

"S-So what!? And I didn't do it for popularity!" He continued,

"You know why you did it, you knew he had a crush on someone else but you tricked him into dating you, you made him feel as though he couldn't leave! You only care about yourself Drew!" Liam said,

 Drew stayed silent,

"Come on Henry, lets go." He told me,

I swiftly followed behind him,

by the time we walked away the whole crowd had left,

soon the music club and the art club walked up to us,

"Are you two alright?" Ezra asked,

"Yeah..." I told him,

"That was awesome!" Milly and Ethan said at the same time,

"Are you okay Jake?" Sean asked him,

"Yeah, I guess..." He replied,

"I don't think Drew's gonna be popular for much longer." Hailey said,

"Good!" Zander said,

"Dang it! I forgot to talk about another thing he did!" Liam said,

"What did he do?" I asked,

"He forced me to stop being friends with you, and I only realized a few days ago that he was manipulating me and that I didn't want to stop being friends!" He told me,

"He did WHAT!?" I yelled,

"Henry calm down please..." Armon said,

"I'm just supposed to CALM DOWN!? He made me have the worst days of my LIFE and you just expect me to calm down!?" I argued back,

"Henry, you're gonna get in trouble, please stop yelling." Liam told me,

"... Fine..." I agreed,

Soon the bell rang,

"I'll see you guys in art!" I told the club,

"Byyyeeeee Henry!" Evan said,

"See you later!" Ezra said,

"Goodbye Henry!" Armon said,

and with that I made my way to history class.

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