Table drama

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I walked into history class,

my friends from the art club made me a little more motivated for this,

I had been drawing almost every day so that I could even compare to there talent,

The teacher babbled on for a bit until she finally let us start work on our projects,

Zander walked up to my table and we started working,

we actually finished the project quickly enough that the history teacher let us add a bit of decoration,

I started drawing a bit of tiny doodles,

just some stuff that I couldn't mess up though,

If I tried to draw something complicated I would mess up and I didn't have an eraser.

Eventually lunch arrived and I got a tray, 

I looked around the all of the tables until he eventually spotted the other art club members,

I rushed over to them and sat down,

"Hey guys!" I said,

"Hey Henry." Ezra said

"Henryyyyyyy!" Evan said,

"Hey Henry, what's up?" Armon asked,

"Nothing much, what's up with you guys?" I asked 

"Nothing really besides Bridget from 2nd period being a KAREN!"  Evan said rather loudly too,

"WHO SAID THAT!? I'M GOING TO TELL THE PRINCIPAL!" Someone who I can only assume is Bridget said,

"He won't care about me saying  that Bridget! He'll probably agree!" She argued back

"OOOH!" I said,

"UGH!" Bridget said as she stormed out of the cafeteria,

"We should probably head to the club now guys." Ezra said,

"Okay fiiiinnneeee!" Evan said,

we all walked away from the table,

it was kind of weird though since we were the first club that leaves the cafeteria and everyone was staring at us.

          Jake's POV

Today I decided to sit with the music club, 

I didn't know if I should be upset at Drew or not but I didn't want to talk to him for a bit,

while I was sitting there Sean looked over at the Jomies table,

"Hey Jake, not to be nosy or anything but do you know why Henry isn't sitting with your other friends?" He asked,

I actually just noticed that,

"It's probably because of the thing with  Liam and Drew." I told them,

"Come to mention it, where is he even sitting at?" Luke asked,

"...Great question..." I scanned the room until I heard someones voice,

"Nothing really besides Bridget from 2nd period being a KAREN!" The voice said,

I looked around the room until I found out where the voice came from,

and coincidentally Henry was also sitting there,

"I found him guys." I told the others as I pointed to the table 

"WHO SAID THAT!? I'M GOING TO TELL THE PRINCIPAL!" The person who I think is Bridget said,

"He won't care about me saying that Bridget! He'll probably agree!" The girl from Henry's table said,

"OOOH!" Henry exclaimed,

"UGH!" That Bridget girl said as she stormed out,

then their table got up and walked out of the cafeteria,

"That was awesome!" Milly said,

"Since when did Henry join the art club?" Hailey asked,

"A few days ago I recommended the others to join a group since they were bored without me being there." I told them,

"Oh well at least we know that Henry won't be able to annoy us." Zander said,

"I'm pretty sure he wouldn't have anyway, we only really bully people because the validation feels good, I know, it's pretty messed up but he thinks that no one likes hi- Crap! I've said too much!" I said as I realized what I was saying,

"Don't worry, we won't tell anyone about it." Luke said,

"It's club time now guys, let's go." Hailey said.

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