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I hurried out of the house before mom and dad woke up to start arguing again,

I arrived at the school to see Jake wave over to me,

"Hey Jake!" I said,

for some reason Liam looked a little more...


"Henry... I think we need to spend some time apart from each other..." He told me,

"What...? Why? What did I do wrong this time!? I'm sorry!" I told him,

"No it's just that... You're always hanging out with me and I want some time apart from our friendship..." 

"Oh, th-that's alright, I understand... I have to use the restroom really quick!" I said and I ran off.

         Jake's POV

I saw as Henry ran off,

I feel so bad for him!

I followed him to the restroom,

"Henry...?" I asked,

"What do you want!?" He exclaimed,

"Henry, please come out of the stall!" I yelled,

"Why!? What do you want from me...?" He asked,

"I want to see you! Now come out of the stall..." I asked him,

I watched as Henry reluctantly walked out of the stall,

I rushed over to him and gave him a hug,

"Why do you even care?" He asked me,

"Because you're my friend Henry!" I told him,

"How do I know you're not lying!?" He exclaimed,

I know that i'm not lying but I can't think of anything to say,

the bathroom was really quiet for a while,

"That's what I thought. I'm going back out in the hall, don't you have anything better to do like practicing with your little club or whatever?" Henry said as he walked away,

he was right that I had to go to the music club unfortunately.

I walked into the club and immediately Hailey noticed something was off,

"What's wrong Jake?" She asked me,

"Nothing, I just feel kinda bad for Henry..." I told them,

"Why? He's just another one of Drew's friends." Zander responded,

"Well that's the thing... Me and Henry had a sleepover last night, I don't know if he wants me to tell you why he was there but I don't know if he wants me to, I called Drew and asked why he was friends with Liam and Henry and Drew said that he knew that Liam wouldn't join unless Henry did too and that he hated Henry, and this morning Liam said that he wanted to stop being friends for a while." I explained,

"Wow, that's a lot." Sean said,

"And that's not even the worst of it..." I responded,

"Oh, well i'm sorry but we have to continue practicing." Zander said,

and so we did.

    Henry's POV

I walked around until I was able to find Ezra, Evan, and Armon,

"Oh, hey Henry! What's up?" Evan asked,

"Uh, nothing, it's not really a big deal!" I told Evan,

"Are you sure Henry?" Ezra asked,

"Yeah I'm-" I tried to say,

Just then Armon walked up to me,

"Don't lie to us Henry." They said,

I didn't know they could be that scary!

"Okay fine, My crush just said he didn't wanna be friends for a while, and I had a fight with Jake so he's probably mad at me! And I found out that Drew never even liked me in the first place..." I told them,

"Woah Henry! That's a lot! It's okay though! You can hang out with us until they stop being mad at you." Ezra said,

"Yeah! You're always welcome to chill with us! In fact, why don't you sit with us at lunch before clubs start?" Evan said,

"Sure! If that's alright." I told them,

"Of course it's okay!" Armon told me

"Ok! I should probably start heading to class now, the bell's gonna ring soon, i'll see you guys later!" I told them,

"Bye Henry!" They all said,

It was honestly impressive how in sync it was though,

Actually kinda scary to be honest. 

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