Righting wrongs

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I was in my last class before I had art club with the others when I realized something,

I should say sorry to the Music club! 

I then got an idea,

I should make some art for them as an apology,

I impatiently waited for the bell to ring,

staring at the clock as it mocked me,

as soon as the bell rang I dashed out of there to the art club,

I was the first one there so I waited for the others.

Ezra looked at me as he walked in,

"Dang you got here quick!" He exclaimed,

"Yeah." I said,

Then Evan and Arlo walked in,

"Sorry we're late, you know how Mrs.Winiefray is..." Evan said,

"Heck yeah I do!" I said,

Arlo came and sat down next to me and looked at my sketchbook,

"What's that?" They asked,

"Oh nothing, it's just- Me and my friends have bullied the music club for a while and I feel kinda bad so i'm writing them an apology note along with a few drawings." I told them,

"Oh, nice!" They told me,

I kept having to rewrite it a bunch but eventually I got it,

I then started working on the final thing.

Eventually I finished and I ripped it out,

I also made a bunch of drawings for everyone in the club,

then I drew some doodles in my sketchbook until class ended.

"Wait, can I get your guy's number?" I asked them,

"Sure!" Ezra said,

and once I finished getting their numbers I made my way back to my house.


I just ignored my parents arguing as I went into my room,

I then got out my phone and texted Jake,

Me: Hey jake, meet me before you go to your club tomorrow morning ok?

Jakey Boi: Okay?

I then closed my tab and listened to music while I drew in my sketchbook.

   Jake's POV

I walked into school to see Henry waiting for me beside the entryway,

"Here!" He said as he handed me an envelope and walked away,

I flipped the envelope and saw some words written on it saying,

To: The Music Club

in big balloon like  letters

I wanted to know what it was so bad! 

But I had to wait until I got to the music club.

I walked into the music club and looked at the others,

"Guys! Henry gave me this letter, it says that it's for the club!" I told them,

"Wait really?" Hailey questioned,

"Come on! Let's open it!" Milly exclaimed,

everyone gathered around me as I read the letter,

 Dear music club, I am sorry for the way that me and my friends treated you, I am stupid and should have realized it sooner, I hope you can forgive me so for now here's a drawing for all of you.

There was also folded up pieces of paper with each of our names on it,

I gave everyone the paper with their name on it and then I noticed that there was one addressed to the whole club,

I kept that one in my hands as I waited for the others to open theirs,

I opened mine and there was a picture of me with my microphone,

Milly got a picture of a grizzly bear,

Zander got a picture of some cute dogs,

Luke got a picture of him and Zander hugging,

Sean got a picture of Daisy,

and Hailey got a picture of the club performing,

"Hey everyone, there's a picture in here that says it's for all of us!" I told them,

the others looked at the paper as I opened it up,

It was a full colored version of what looked like a logo for the club,

"No way! This looks awesome!" Milly said,

"Wow, this must have taken him a while..." Hailey remarked,

it was printed out on card stock and laminated too!

"We should hang this up!" Milly continued,

"Yeah, it looks amazing!" I said,

"Okay!" Hailey said and she hung it up on the wall.

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