aftershow truth or dare

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Everyone had decided to have a sleepover since the show had came to a closing,

Evan and Milly cuddling with each other,

Zander was still having a little bit of jitters from the show but Luke was breaking him out of it

Armon was swooning over Ezra,

I just have to find a way to get them together...

That's when my brain got it!

"Hey guys! What if we played truth or dare? "

Henry said enthusiasticly,

"Yeah! Come on guys! " Milly said excitedly as her and Evan scooted closer, forming a circle,

Soon everyone was on board and we started,

"I'm gonna go first! Hailey! Truth or dare?" Milly shouted excitedly,

Hailey let out a sigh,

"Truth" She replied,

Milly scoffed, "you're no fun!" She stuck her tongue out at the bluenette,

"Welll... Let's see... Is it true you're a lesbian? " Milly asked,

"Well, I'm bisexual, so kinda? " She said,

"Alright, it's my turn, since I'm still trying to heal the damage between us then Liam, truth or dare? " Hailey said,

I was honestly not expecting that, but it's not doing any harm so,

"I pick dare!" Liam said boldly,

"Hmmm.... Let me think... Ooh! I know, show me your most recent text conversation! " she said,

Unfortunately it was just a boring conversation between him and his mom about what was gonna be for dinner -_-

"Well now that that's over with, Henry! Truth or dare?" Liam said,

My plan was about to begin,

"Truth! " I said,

"Well, hmmm, I know! What color is your eyes!? " he asked,

"... I don't know, I'll have to ask my mom about that! " I laughed,

I decided the best person to choose for the truth or dare would be Armon, it's pretty likely that if I chose Ezra he would pick dare,

"Armon, truth or dare? " I asked,

"Truth" he said,

"Do you have a crush on anyone?" I asked, I changed my facial expression to hint at the fact that this was their time to confess,

"I... Yes... And I think I'm ready to say who... Ezra... I love you, and I mean it, I've loved you since we were friends... " he admit,

And Ezra kissed him!

I knew it was going to happen but it was still super shocking to me,

Evan squeeled in happiness,

"I'VE BEEN WAITING FOR THIS FOREVER!!!!! " she exclaimed,

After a few more rounds of truth or dare we called it a night and headed to bed.

Hey guys! I got my wattpad account back to I just thought I'd add this chapter! So I'm back!

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