Jake's house

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I walked into my house to see that my mom and dad were fighting per usual,

I slammed the door shut, "I'm here now!" I yelled,

they just both ignored me.

I laid down on my bed as I got my phone out,

I decided to call Liam because that's what I usually do when my parents fight,

The phone rang,

why hadn't he picked up yet?

it had been a few minutes and I finally decided just to hang up.

Liam usually answers my calls so I don't know why he didn't this time,

maybe i'm just overreacting.

But I couldn't just call no one,

I can't bear to hear my parents fighting,

I wish I would have gotten Ezra's number,

But I guess I could just try and call Jake,

My phone rang for a bit until Jake picked up,

"Oh! Hey Henry, you don't usually call me, I mean, it's fine of course, but what made you decide to call now?" He asked me,

"Well, I usually call Liam but for some reason he didn't answer..." I said,

"Oh that's alri-" Jake then got interrupted by my parents yelling,


I ran out of my house,

"I'm sorry for that Jake, uh... Can I come over to your house?" I asked him,

"Of course you can Henry!" Jake told me.

I hung up the call and walked to Jake's house,

I knocked on the door and Jake's younger brother opened the door,

"Jake! This lettuce guy just showed up at the door!" He yelled,

That was brutal!

"Oh! Henry! I'll be right there!" He said,

Wow, add insult to injury! :(

Jake's little brother walked back into there house once Jake got there,

"Hey Henry! Let's go to my room!" He told me,

I followed him until we got to his room,

"So... What was that about?" He asked me,

"Oh, don't worry, they say stuff like that all the time, don't worry!" I told him,

"That's... Not normal Henry..." He told me,

"What?" I said,

other peoples parents don't tell there kids stuff like that?

"Mom said that everyone's parents regret giving birth though?" I said confused,

"Henry... How long has this been happening?" Jake asked,

"Ever since I was 5, crazy how they're still together though! Maybe it's just because the only thing they agree on is that i'm a failure! Isn't that ironic?" I asked him,

"Henry..." Jake scooted over to me and gave me a hug,

I then started thinking about it more,

They've always told me about how useless and talent less I am,

Maybe I need to find a use,

"Hey Jake?" I asked him,

"Yes?" He replied,

"Can you call Drew and ask why he became friends with me and Liam? But don't tell him I told you to ask him?" I told him,

"Of course!" He responded as he got his phone out,

The sound of the ringing mocked me,

he would have a good reason right?

Like me being smart or having a good personality or something?

"Jake? What's up?" Drew asked Jake,

"Oh! Well I just got curious about why you became friends with Liam and Henry." Jake told him,

"Well, I became friends with Liam because he helped to get me together with Zoey." He replied,

"... And Henry?" Jake said,

"Oh him? Don't tell him I told you this but i'm only friends with him because I knew that Liam wouldn't join the group unless I let him in." Drew said,

"O-okay! I'm gonna hang up now! Bye!" Jake responded,

"Bye Jake! Don't tell Henry I said that though, his sensitive ass wouldn't be able to handle it! Haha! Anyways, bye bro!" He said as Jake hung up,

I felt a few tears fall down my cheek,

"Henry... I'm sorry." Jake told me,

"Don't be! This was my idea in the first place!" I told him,

"Do you wanna maybe play some video games?" Jake asked,

"Sure..." I told him.

We played for a while until the sun went down,

"Hey Jake, do you think I could maybe stay for the night?" I asked him,

"It's alright by me! But wait here, i'm gonna go ask my mom." Jake said,

"Okay!" I said,

I waited around until Jake got back,

"Well my mom says it's okay! Did you ask any of your parents...?" Jake asked me,

"They don't care what happens to me or where I am as long as I don't die because it would ruin their social status." I told him,

"Sorry for bringing that up-" Jake started to say,

"No It's fine! Really!" I told him,

"...Okay, i'm here if you ever need to talk..." He responded,

"That's alright Jake, thanks for the offer though." I told him,

Jake and I played games until we went to bed.

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