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    Henry's POV

I walked into the club room and sat down next to Arlo,

I looked down at Arlo's sketchbook as they drew,

it looked amazing,

the way all of the lines came together was amazing,

I then looked at Arlo, 

they seemed to have been listening to music,

I tapped Arlo's shoulder and they took out one of their earbuds,

"Yes?" They responded,

"Oh, I was just wondering what song you were listening to?" I asked them,

"You probably wouldn't like it..." They told me,

"Aw cm'on! Pleeeaaasseee!" I begged,

They put one of their headphones next to my ear,

I then noticed they were listening to Melanie Martinez,

"No way you listen to Melanie Martinez too!?" I asked them,

"You listen to Melanie Martinez!?" Arlo said excitedly,

"Of course I do! What's your favorite song?" I questioned them,

"I like The Principal! What's your favorite?" They told me,

"oh! I like Pity Party!" I responded,

"Wow I didn't know anyone else here liked her!" Arlo exclaimed,

and for the rest of the club period we talked about Melanie Martinez while drawing in our sketchbooks.

"Hey guy's, what class do you guys have next?" I asked them,

"Chemistry! My favorite class!" Ezra said,

That kind of surprised me, I never would have thought of Ezra being the kind of person to like Chemistry,

"I have MATH, the absolute WORST class." Evan told me,

"You say that about every class Evan." Ezra exaggerated, 

"Not EVERY class!" Evan exclaimed,

"I have Physical Education." Arlo said,

"Ooh, I do too!" I told them,

"We should probably hurry up and make our way to our classes now." Ezra said,

"Bye guys!" Evan said,

"Bye!" I exclaimed,

"Bye Evan!" Ezra told her,

"Goodbye." Arlo remarked,

and with that we went our separate ways (Except for me and Arlo).

We walked into PE class to see the whole room in chaos,

I looked around the room until I found Jake,

he was hanging out with that girl Milly from the Music club,

"Hey Jake! Why's the room in such chaos?" I asked,

"Finally you get here! You're late, the Phys Ed teacher said that we could do whatever we wanted." He informed us,

"Oh, that's cool!" I said,

"Yeah, and who's that?" Jake said as he looked at Arlo,

"Oh! That's Arlo!" I told him,

"Hey Arlo!" he said,

Arlo waved in response,

"Hey Henry, why didn't you sit with your stupid friends?" Milly asked me,

"Oh, just some stuff that happened between me and Drew, nothing really!" I told her,

"Oh okay, but why are you guys even friends with them?" She questioned,

"..." I actually didn't know,

"Probably just because Liam joined..." I said,

"That's kinda gay not gonna lie." Milly responded,


"Sorry Henry but I have to agree with her." Jake said,

"I-I'm not gay! Right Arlo!?" I asked them,

"Henry... You are so obviously in love with him." Arlo said,

"Noooo! Not you too!" I responded,

just then someone walked up to us,

I looked over at Arlo and they were shaking,

"Wow so the art loser has friends now? They probably hate you!" The bully said,

"You're obviously not his friends you guys don't have to lie to spare his feelings!" He said,

I couldn't just watch Arlo like this,

I stepped up in front of the bully,

"#1 It's THEY, #2 I am their friend, and #3 so what if they like art? You're probably just an emotionless robot." I said,

Everyone looked shock,

"Aw, the little baby needs to recharge! I think he might be broken! Come on guys, let's go." I said,

We all then walked away,

"Woah! That was awesome!" Milly exclaimed,

"Holy crap I caught it on video too!" She continued,

"Woah..." Jake said in awe,

"Henry... Thank you..." Arlo told me,

"Don't sweat it!" I said,

"Wait Henry, you joined the art club right? I didn't know you could draw." Jake said,

"Yeah I didn't either!" Milly agreed,

" I'm not really good at it, I kinda just joined because Ezra talked me into it..." I told them,

"Henry quit lying! Your art looks amazing!" Arlo exclaimed,

"You've gotta show me some time!" Jake said,

I then realized I had my sketchbook with me,

"I could do it right now I guess." I said,

"What do you want me to draw?" I asked them,

"Oooh! Draw me!" Milly said,

"Okay I guess I can try." I responded,

I then tried to draw Milly in my cartoonish art style.

I eventually showed everyone,

"Sorry, i'm kinda better at graphic design..." I said,

"Woah this looks great!" Milly said,

"Yeah!" Jake agreed,

"Mhm!" Arlo put simply,

Just then the bell rang,

"Bye guys!" I said,

"Bye!" Jake said,

"Bye." Arlo told me,

"ADIOS!" Milly exclaimed,

and with that I made my way to Language arts.

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