Meeting the club

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Class eventually ended and I made my way to the art club room,

I reluctantly knocked on the door,

the doorknob twisted open and Ezra greeted me with a wide smile,

"A new member?" One of the people said behind him,

to my surprise there were only 2 other people in the club,

"Yeah! His name's Henry!" Ezra said,

"How much money did you have to bribe him with?" A girl behind him said,

"I didn't!" He told her,

"Wow, I'm surely surprised!" She replied,

"Anyways, Henry, this is Evangeline, it's kinda hard to say so she lets us call her Evan!" Ezra explained as he pointed at the girl,

"And this is Armon, They are kinda quiet but nice once you get to know them!" He continued

Armon looked up from his drawing book and slightly waved at him.

Me and Ezra sat down at the table that Evan and Armon were sitting at,

"Hey Henry! Why did you decide to join a club?" Evan asked,

"Well, my other friends were all joining clubs and so I decided to join one so that I wouldn't have to be lonely when they practiced, also it sounded like fun." I told her

"Who are your friends?" She asked me,

"Drew, Liam, and Jake."

"What's your zodiac sign?" She asked,

"I think that's enough questions Evan." Ezra said,

"Awwww! Come on!" She whined,

"Evan. No." He said,

She made puppy dog eyes and started whimpering,

"Pweeeaaassseeee!" She asked,

"You're not gonna fool me with that one, it's the oldest trick in the book!" Ezra remarked,

The two continued arguing and Armon looked up from his sketchbook,

"Don't worry about them, those 2 are always like that." They said as they looked back down at their sketchbook.

Soon enough they stopped fighting,

"Henry, do you have a sketchbook?" Ezra asked,

I shook my head,

Ezra ran into a corner of the room,

the corner was filled with boxes,

Ezra reached down into one of them and pulled out a sketchbook,

he then looked over to me,

"Do you like normal or mechanical pencils better?" He asked,

"Mechanical." I said,

"Finally! Someone else in the club who loves mechanical pencils!" Evan said,

Ezra walked over to me and handed me the sketchbook and pencil,

"There! You can keep it!" He said,

"Thanks!" I replied,

Ezra sat back down beside me,

"So, what are you gonna draw?" He asked,

"Hm... I don't know yet..." I said,

I tried thinking for a bit and I eventually came up with the idea to draw Liam.

I just drew a few doodles of Liam,

"Ooh! Are you drawing your crush!" Evan asked me,

"Whats... A crush?" I asked,

"You don't know what a crush is!?" She asked me,

"Uh... No..." I told her,

"How do you feel when you're around him?" She asked,

"I feel... Happy, but also scared because I don't wanna make any mistakes, and it gets a little warmer, and my heart starts to beat faster..." I explained,

"Yep, that's a crush!" She said,

I then felt a huge wave of relief crash over me,

"Oh okay!" I responded.

Eventually the club was over and I had to go home. 

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