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I walked into history class and we had another project!

our History teacher always gives us tons of projects,

"You are going to be doing a project on Pompeii!" She said,

"It needs to be done in the next 2 weeks! Which is why i'll let you work in partners! And you may pick them!" She told us,

I heard people's excited whispers as she explained more,

"You will have to write a 50 page paper on the history and aftermath of Pompeii!" She said,

she then released us to pick our partners.

Zander partnered with Hailey so he was out of the picture,

and eventually everyone had a partner except for me...

And Drew...

"Looks like you'll have to be partners with Drew Henry!" She said,

I felt my stomach collapse,

we sat down next to each other,

"You're doing this project by yourself. I'm not helping." He said,

"But-" I tried to say,

"Shut the hell up before I tell everyone Jake's secret, and you don't want to hurt Jake." He said,

He was right.

I shut my mouth right then and started to work.

-Time skip-

I looked up from the piece of paper I had just finished writing from,

I have finished 20 pages so far,

but I only had 4 days left to get it done!

I threw on some school clothes and walked to school,

"Hey Henry!" Evan said,

the art club was talking with the music club and Liam before they had practice,

I walked over there and listened as they talked,

when suddenly Liam looked at me,

"Henry are you alright? You've been more quiet recently and you have bags under your eyes." He asked me,

"Uh!? Um, yeah i'm... Fine..." I replied,

"Henry, quit lying, when did you go to bed last night?" He questioned,

I can't tell him or else he'd be mad! But if I lie to him he'll also be mad!

I decided it would be better to tell the truth,

"I didn't get any..." I said,

"Henry! You need to rest!" He told me,

"I c-can't..." I told Liam,

"Why not?" Evan said, butting into the conversation,

"I have to get the history project done..." I answered,

"But isn't your partner also working on it?" Jake questioned,

"No... Drew said that he wasn't gonna do it and if I didn't do it for him he was gonna tell your secrets to everyone..." I responded,


I covered my ears,

"Sorry..." Liam said a little quieter,

"It's... Alright..." I replied,

"You have a secret Jake?" Hailey asked,

"Yeah..." He said,

"Henry you need to get some sleep. And that's final." Armon told me,

"But who's gonna do the papers?" I asked,

"We can help you!" Evan said,

"Same with us." Sean agreed,

"Yeah, and i'm making sure that you get some sleep." Liam replied,

I nodded slowly and soon the bell rang.

"Why are you following me?" I asked,

"Because I need to make sure you go to bed." Liam said sternly,

"Fine..." I said,

Liam picked me up,

"Wha- Liam!?" I said flustered,

"You're tired, I don't want you to collapse from exhaustion or something." Liam said smiling at me,

"Alright..." I said as I tried to hide my blushing face,

we eventually arrived at my house and Liam tucked me into my bed,

"Sleep. Now." He told me,

I fell asleep almost immediately.

 Hey guys! I just wanted to say that I made a new youtube video/oc! Do you like it?

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