A bad feeling...

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I walked into school,

but for some reason I had a bad feeling that I couldn't shake off,

but I decided to just ignore it for the time being.

Classes were all pretty boring until I arrived at lunch,

I sat at the lunch table with my friends from the art club when the music club walked up to us,

"Hey Henry, we just wanted to say thank you for the art and that we forgive you!" Hailey said,

"Thank you for accepting the apology!" I said,

"Ok, well we are going back to our table now, bye!" Milly said as they walked away.

Soon enough school ended for the day and it was time for club.

I was sitting in my chair at the club room,

this had been one of the only good days I have had in a while,

but for some reason I still had that feeling, 

I looked down at my paper with a morbid feeling in my chest,

"Henry, you seem a little off, is everything ok?" Ezra asked,

"It's just that... I have a bad feeling about today..." I told everyone,

"Oh, i'm sure nothing bad is gonna happen Henry." He tried to reassure me,

"You're right..." I said,

I still felt like something terrible was going to happen though.

-TRIGGER WARNING: Heavy depictions of violence-

I arrived at home and mom and dad were in another one of their screaming matches,

I was about to walk into my room when I heard my mom say something unbelievable,


then she ran into her room, grabbed most of her stuff, and left.

Dad started crying,

I had shut my room door and laid on my bed,

contemplating what had just happened.

A few hours went by when dad knocked on my door loudly,

I opened the door even though I was scared,

"HENRY!" He yelled,

"Y-Yes dad?" I asked,

he pushed me to the ground,

the wood digging into my arm and leaving several splinters,

 some of my skin even scraping off,

"Don't call me that!" He said,

Pulling my head up with my hair he punched me in my eye,

he then looked me dead in the eyes,

"Henry, don't call me that again! Or else you're getting kicked out you brat!" 

He said, 

then slammed the door.

-Violence over!-

I walked into school,

I was wearing my jacket so that no one would see my arm,

and I came up with a lie for if anyone asked me about my eye,

but just to be safe I decided not to talk to the art club this morning.

To my surprise none of the teachers asked me what had happened to my eye,

but eventually lunch came.

I sat down at the lunch table with the others when Evan looked over at me,

"Henry! What happened to your eye!?" She asked,

"I-Uh- I just fell down the stairs!" I lied,

"Oh, okay..." She said,

"Henry, I know you're lying, tell us what happened." Armon demanded,

"I was- uh- I was gonna tell you at Phys Ed, I wanted Milly and Jake to know too!" I delayed,

"Okay... But you HAVE to tell us then." They told me,

I nodded and gave a thumbs up,

this was going to end badly...

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