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Me, Liam, and Drew, walked over to the bulletin board,

It was crowded with different posters for clubs and stuff,

Join the chess club! 

Join the Tae kwon do club

Join the gardening club!

and several others,

We scanned the board,

looking for something that seemed interesting,

"I should join the Newspaper club." Drew said,

"Well that'll keep your mind off of Jake." Liam said,

I looked at the paper Drew was pointing at,

Join the Newspaper club! Sign up on the line:

There were a bunch of lines available to put your name on for sign up,

Drew got out a pencil and wrote his name on one of the lines,

"I'm gonna go back to the table now!" Drew said as he walked away.

"What should we do?" I asked Liam,

"Maybe we should do different clubs from each other." He responded,

I practically felt my heart shatter,

"O-Oh! Okay!" I said, trying to sound cheerful,

"I think i'm gonna join the Foreign language club!" Liam said,

"You know another language?" I asked,

"Yeah! I know Japanese and also Korean!" He told me,

I felt kind of upset that he didn't tell me but I guess he doesn't have to tell me everything,

The foreign language clubs sign said,

Join The Foreign Language Club!

Meet at 4:00 P.M on any Tuesday for sign up!

"Well, i'm gonna go back to the table now, good luck Hen!" He said as he walked away,

Did he just call me Hen?

I thought as I blushed,

I then got back to my train of thought,

I was looking at the board when someone came up from behind me,

"Hey there!" He said,

"Ah!" I jumped back, startled,

"Crap, i'm sorry for scaring you, i'm not really one for first impressions..." He said,

"It's alright! I'm Henry by the way, who are you?" I asked him,

"I'm Ezra, I noticed that you were looking for a club!" He said,

"Haha, yeah..." I said,

"You should join the art club! We basically just draw, it doesn't have to be good and no one tells you what to do! I'm a member of it and you seem like a nice guy!" He told me,

I mean, I've always liked art, even though i'm not really that good at it,

"Sure, i'll join." I said,

"Ok! The flier is right there if you wanna see it, but I have to go now, I have someone who's waiting on me, bye Henry!" Ezra said as he dashed off.

The flier was buried under a bunch of others,

Join the art club!

No sign ups needed! Just come in! Practice starts at lunch from 1:00-1:40 and is after school from 3:00 to 5:00

I then decided i'd join the art club,

I set a timer on my phone for after school so I could remember.

I walked back to the table to see Drew and Liam there,

"Hey Henry! What club are you gonna join?" Liam asked,

"Oh, the art club." I said,

"Nice!" Liam said,

A few minutes passed and the bell finally rang for us to go back to class.

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