The crush dilema

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"Hey Armon, can I talk to you in private?" I asked,

"Huh? Oh! Sure..." They said,

we walked over to where the restroom was and walked in,

"Armon, I know something is wrong, what is it?" I questioned,

"Nothing is wrong! I'm alright!" They lied,

"I know you're lying Armon, please tell me, I won't tell ANYONE." I responded,

"Okay fine..." They said,

Taking a deep breath They looked into my eyes,

"I have a crush... On Ezra..." They told me,

I was in shock,

"Woah... Well your secret is safe with me!" I said,

we then walked back over to the clubs and they stared at us,

"What did ya talk about?" Evan asked,

"Evan, if they were talking in private then they obviously don't want us to know." Ezra said in a condescending sounding voice,

"Hmph! You're no fun!" The feisty girl replied, crossing her arms,

"You know what? Henry! I want to talk to YOU in private!" She said,

Evan dragged my by the arm into the empty art club room,

"Do you ACTUALLY have something to tell me?" I asked,

"No not really, BUT I do have a crush..." She said,

"Who?" I questioned,

Who could it be?

"Well... I'll give you a hint..." She said blushing,

"Ew! Like I said, keep the PDA to a minimum!" She continued,

"YOU HAVE A CRUSH ON MILLY!?" I whisper shouted,

Today is D R A M A T I C!

Soon the bell rang,

"Well i'll see you at lunch later! Bye!" I said,

and with that we walked away.

I sat in class,

fiddling with my pencil as I thought,

How am I going to get everyone together!?

I then had a plan, 

an AMAZING plan,

I just needed some help.

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