You really mean it!?

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I looked around as I passed the corridor,

headed to lunch,

when suddenly someone ran into me,

it was him.

"Henry! I'm sorry, but I've been meaning to talk to you!" Liam said,

I felt my heart sink,

"Henry, i'm sorry for ditching you, I just needed some time apart, can we... Keep being friends?" He asked,

I couldn't believe it,

"Of course Liam!" I said,

"So... Do you wanna sit with me and Drew at lunch?" He asked me,

"I-... I'm sorry but I just don't want to see him right now..." I responded,

"Oh ok Hen, but why?" Liam inquired,

"It's just- nothing, do you want to talk about it later? Maybe we could have a sleep over to talk about it, maybe catch up a bit?" I questioned him,

"Sure! I'll see you later Henry!" Liam said,

and with that we walked away.

I went and sat down at the art table,

"Woah Henry, who's got you so beet red?" Evan asked,

"WH-WHAT!? NO ONE!" I exclaimed,

but not too loudly or else i'd get in trouble,

"Is it..." She leaned in closer to my ear,

"Liiiaaammm?~~~" She asked,

"N-No! I don't like him like THAT!" I told her,

"Oookkkaaaayyy..." She said, rolling her eyes,

we all talked for a bit until we went to club.

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