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Liam and I walked into school and headed over to the art club,

as usual they were talking with the music club,

"Hey guys! The music competition is in 2 weeks!" Hailey said,

"No way! Already?" Liam asked,

"Yeah!" Jake continued,

"Oh! This reminds me! I had an Idea!" Ezra said,

he stuck his hand in his backpack,

we all watched in wonder of what he would take out,

He eventually got out a hand drawn picture of Jake in front of his microphone,

"I was thinking we could make some posters like this to help promote the competition!" He stated,

"Woah! That looks awesome! And that would be so cool!" Milly said,

"But we miiiggghhhttt need some of you to model, it was pretty hard to get this one accurate since I didn't really know his height compared to his microphone and stuff." Ezra replied,

"That's alright with me! We can do it at our house!" Hailey said,

"Won't mom be mad with THIS many people in the house?" Zander asked,

"I'm sure it'll be fine Zander." Luke reassured him,

he gave him a kiss on the cheek,

"Fine..." Zander replied,

"Ew! Like I said, keep the PDA to a minimum!" Milly exclaimed,

Evan burst out in laughter,

eventually we all calmed down,

"We'd have to pick one person to draw and we could also put 2 people in a poster too..." Ezra said,

"Can I draw Milly?" Evan asked,

"Sure!" Ezra said,

I looked over at Armon,

They were being really quiet today,

They're usually quiet, but this was too quiet,

"Hey Armon, can I talk to you in private?" I asked,

"Huh? Oh! Sure..." They said,

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