wake-up call

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I lay down, the morning sun not up as of yet but still morning nonetheless,

The others wouldn't be getting up for quite a while so I lay and wait, debating whether or not I should get on my phone or lay in comforting silence,

That was until

Liam rolled over next to me,

He was so close as if too close for uncomfort if that's even possible,

I blush,

I was going to savor this moment for as long as I could.

"I know how you feel Henry. " Liam said


"W-what do you mean? " I asked, playing dumb,

"You liiikkkeee me don't you? " He said,

I blushed harder,


He pulled me up by my shoulders and kissed me!

I'd never been kissed before, this felt like heaven,

The paradise I've always awaited...

I don't know what this means for me and him, or where it goes from here...

But I think that's it for my story.

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